
silver inches

  1. i helped my mother create a "myface" account. in other words, a facebook. goodness, what have i done? it was fun helping her find old friends and show her how to fill out all the information. i am not friends with her though...that's just too much information and a little bit too weird for me!
  2. the princess bride is a classic. i love this movie and quote it often. i also found out today that it's a real book, just like the grandpa says, so maybe i'll check it out sometime. i'm sure the book is better than the  movie, although the movie is excellent. 
  3. since i leave for NYC on monday, i decided to start packing today. i picked out all my outfits and made packing list, so uber nerdy, i know. but packing for trips is always really fun; now the unpacking is the terrible part. and i hope the airport isn't terrible since the most recent foiled terrorist plot...
so you may be wondering about my post's title. "silver inches" is one of my favorite songs by Enya. it is short, but always puts me in a good mood. i'm not sure why, either. but i like the concept of silver inches...which brings me to my mini-topic of snow. SNOW!!! how i love it. the white blanket that makes the world mysterious and beautiful and pure. the song reminds me of snow falling, and the inches (hopefully) that add up to make a silvery wonderland. it snowed on new year's eve and today. i find it appropriate that it snowed and made the world a new place on new year's eve. it's almost like even the weather was starting over. how snow makes me feel is a complex thing. the transformation that snow can bring is inspiring to me as i start out on this new year's mission. while snow is not always a welcome or delicate affair (a particular reference to a red roof inn comes to mind), the powerful influence that weather has is something that always astounds me. too much, too little, just enough...so that brings me to my daily picture. did i mention there will be a daily picture? anyway, there will be. yesterday was fireworks and today is...



the beginning?

happy new year! today is the [beautiful] day. this is the beginning of...what? this blog is my new year's resolution. i have decided to document my main thoughts each day as a way of keeping tabs on my life. i have decided to record 3 events/details/happenings/changes/etc. for each day and then blog about whatever mini-topic i decide upon for the day. i am also allowing some flexibility--who needs more rigidity, right? some days will be boring [although still beautiful] and i don't have to record 3 things when 1 or 2 really sum up all that i did that day. also, while the title of this blog implies that i will be writing about cheerful and happy and sunshine mini-topics, that will not be the case. days are not always beautiful, and yet they have an inherent beauty simply for being another day. catch-22? is that what that kind of thing is called? oxymoron, maybe? paradox? anyway, life is paradoxical, so i'm learning to go with it. finally, every sunday i will post one goal i have for my life. while this may sound bucket list-y, writing down goals is important for realization. the goal can be whatever i want it to be, but it needs to be real. maybe i can actually reach some of these goals, eh?
another brief entry note before non-intro part of this post. the inspiration for this blog title is a U2 song. while i flip-flopped among"what a wonderful world," "beautiful day," "la vie en rose," "bright sunshiny day," and others, i decided on the U2 song because a) i love U2 b) their concerts are amazing c) the lyrics are the most meaningful and related. so the last part of the title was decided. the apostrophe has been replaced with an asterisk because a) i love the stars b) i am a star c) it's more exciting than an apostrophe. so, this is my nerdy introduction to my blog.

  1. new year's eve was well spent. i had a great time with all my friends and it only improved after an entire bottle of champagne! ha. i have a good feeling about this year. better than i did last year, and i loved 2009. so, high hopes have resulted! 
  2. last night was a blue moon! this was the first blue moon on new year's eve since 1990 (a significant year). a blue moon, btw, is when a full moon occurs twice in a lunar month. i think that the blue moon was a good omen. so again, high hopes for 2010.
  3. christmas decorations and tree were taken down today. i love christmas so much and it made me sad to see it go. and also that it took, like, 6 hours. let's hope that christmas 2010 is just as great as christmas 2009 was.
after writing my 3 today-oriented things, it seems as if hope is an appropriate mini-topic for new year's day. isn't that what resolutions are? hopes for the coming year. i hope i can swear less, i hope i can tone up, i hope i can dominate in school, i hope for world peace. it seems as if the new year allows people to safely voice their insecurities and vulnerabilities in an acceptable manner. i mean, "everyone is doing it," right? resolutions are hopes, generally, for self-improvement. so i guess a resolution of mine (aside from this blog) is to realize what needs work throughout the year and attempt to fix it. i hope that i can be happy with myself and my life led during these 365 days. broad? lofty? maybe. but still worth attempting. so again, here's to hoping and a happy new year! let's get to blogging, shall we?
