
f@#$ing football

  1. did homework most of the day, but took some breaks to do random stuff. finished my book for my presentation on monday but i am still pretty covered up with work. and lose all day tomorrow, which is not good at all.
  2. NOT A GOOD FOOTBALL DAY. so far. and it only looks to stay that way. 
  3. i am sad that i am going to miss the rest of fall at home. going back to school tomorrow is not what i want to be doing. i wish i could stay at home and actually relax.
ahhh i'm so angry at my football teams right now. i can't even write a coherent thought. i just want to go to bed and sleep and forget about the embarrassment. but i have more work to do tonight and still have to shower. SO FRUSTRATING! this has not been a very relaxing fall break by any means. and just gearing up for a super stressful beginning of the week. and next weekend, too! ahhh, stress.


"friend me"

  1. i'm really tired today/tonight for some reason. too much homework i guess. 
  2. went to visit people, saw the social network, ate dinner with my parents. good day!
  3. i am looking forward to all day homework tomorrow, paired with some football and some relaxation. 
the social network was crazy! it was really fast-paced and sometimes hard to follow but i like how they filmed the movie. i won't talk about it too much because i don't want to give it away. but the underhandedness to the whole scheme was somewhat shocking. i never knew facebook was born because of such dirty deeds! and the way he behaves with his friend is the most upsetting. but greed drives most every person on this planet, so i guess it was an inevitable process. it was a good movie and i definitely recommend it, especially for all rabid facebookers, but i also recommend reading up on the material and seeing how reality differs from hollywood.


where am i?

  1. did homework most of the day, but i did take some time to procrastinate. i baked oatmeal cookies and took pictures outside and talked to people and watched grey's anatomy. good and relaxing day overall. 
  2. found out that one of the books i thought i had to have read by tuesday is not really due until the following tuesday! whew, that's a nice lift off my shoulders. 
  3. tomorrow should be a good day. not much time for homework but a break will be nice...and i get to see people and the social network! and eat a yummy italian dinner...
so i was looking today at these really cool pictures online from the nikon small world gallery. apparently, there is a whole field of photography that specializes in microscopic images that are then photographically altered. they were so beautiful and interesting and most were just random, everyday things. the one that struck me the most was the photo of the dividing cancer cells. it was freaky but it was a very pretty picture. it's strange how much of the world we can't see, or, how much of it we cannot see with the naked eye. perspective is so relative. i always wonder what insects or animals think when they look around--stuff must look HUGE. things that seem astronomical in size for us, like a redwood tree, think how that must feel for an ant. i guess it's different, though, because the frame of reference would be so skewed that the redwood tree would be all you see...it would be your home base. it's kind of like how humans feel about the ground i guess. well, now that is skewed since we can travel so easily, but it must have seemed that way in our history. i think it is ignorant and arrogant to assume that we are the only intelligent beings in existence. to think, historically humans must have thought that all there was to the world was the little plot of land that the eye could perceive. it progressed to thinking that the edge of the ocean was the end of the world, then that everything revolved around the earth. now we are shocked when we discover other things out in space--but why? we just tend to have a very self-centered view of our existence and i am eager for the day when people look back and say "they used to think that only their planet could support life!" and yes, it seems hard to imagine...but think about how our ancestors felt when contemplating that the world was round. it's all about perspective.


mountain mood

  1. slept in later than normal today, finished up packing, got my italian midterm grade (94!), and drove home to fall in the mountains!
  2. my shuffle on my ipod today was great! almost every single song was just what i wanted to hear. the music gods read my mind on a day when it definitely needed to be read.
  3. family dinner and halloween episode of chopped! i need to get on deciding what my costume will be...tomorrow is a homework- and clothing-filled day. 
fall break is never really a break. there is always so much work to do! this week was actually set up to be a pretty easy week but i have to be a discussion leader for my three hour genocide class, so that requires a lot of prep, and i have to read two novels by next thursday (on top of the book i am presenting for monday). and i have an english midterm on tuesday! and i have a book report due on monday! yiiiikes. okay. i need to be very focused/structured on this fall break. and i essentially lose all day sunday since i have a lot going on that day with family/church/driving home. okay, i just got kind of overwhelmed. so i am going to get to bed early tonight in preparation for a long day of work tomorrow. interesting blog topic: semantics.


not in the mood

  1. had classes today but got to watch a movie in one of them and talk about a movie in another, so it was overall not a very bad class day. 
  2. got back from class and chilled out all afternoon. watched two online episodes and took a quick nap and packed/cleaned. 
  3. ate german chocolate cake (made from scratch by my guy friends) and hung out for the night. saved up some of my day's calories just for the decadent dessert!
i keep procrastinating about blogging. part of me really just wants to take a break for awhile but i'm not going to do that. tomorrow i promise i'll have a better post. just not tonight. i'm definitely not in the blogging mood tonight. but i'm driving home tomorrow for fall break so it'll nice to be there for a few days and get to see my family!


crash into me

  1. had italian today and found out that my class on wednesday is canceled! that means i can sleep in and leave whenever i want to for fall break--yippee!
  2. rented crash from the library and watched it with my roommate. did the response and read the assigned article for it too...i love getting work done on time, haha. 
  3. had my oral report in history today and contributed a lot to the discussion. also, i created an event online for spring break--can't wait!
crash is one of my favorite movies. of course the article i read had so many issues with the movie and raised so many problems, blah blah blah. not all movies are perfect commentaries on society! but the fact that the movie exposes so many hot-button issues for societal examination and conversation is important. the part of the movie that affects me the most is when the little girl jumps in her dad's arms and gets shot at with the blanks in the gun. i FREAKED OUT the first time i watched the movie. i was sobbing and unbelievably upset. i didn't know what blanks were, either, so i was even more upset! another powerful part is when the movie producer's wife is pulled from the burning car by the cop who molested her. the whole movie is not very hopeful and ends in the same way that it starts, reinforcing the message that there is not much hope for change. but maybe i am just looking at the movie with pessimistic glasses. let me know what y'all think!


B is for busy

  1. had a lovely brunch with my family this morning and then got back on the road for school. i was stuck in traffic for a long time but still got back in time to get some homework done before crashing. 
  2. i have a lot of work for tomorrow and i'm not sure when it's all going to get done! i think if i manage my time well and if i get a little bit lucky, it can all get done and i can still go to boxing club. 
  3. 11 is a nice lucky number...maybe that is fortuitous! and 3 is also a good number and that's how many days until my fall break starts!!!
short post tonight because i don't have much to say because not much happened to me today! being stuck in traffic is DA WORST and it only makes me really angry and insane. and i am also getting stressed out thinking about all the packing i have to do for fall break and the cleaning, too! ahhh. okay, getting overwhelmed. checklists are good things and something i tend to use since i was raised in an organized family. i knew that october would be a busy month and that is turning out to be the truth! but november should be just as busy, and then december is busy for everyone because it's holiday season...my favorite. so fall break, halloween, NYC, sister visit, thanksgiving, exams, christmas, new years...2011. wowza.
bucket list item: find time for photography...and buy a new camera soon!