

  1. woke up when my body wanted me to today--no alarm. it was great. and 12:36 pm. yessss.
  2. finally made my cookies. they turned into more of a cookie cake, but at least they didn't stick. yummy. 
  3. managed to not go crazy over the snow like most people here. i love the snow, don't get me wrong, but it was of the ice variety and pretty painful upon contact. but pretty all the same!
so, miss virginia won tonight. i was shocked! she was the one i decided i liked the most last night, and the girls i like never win. and her answer to the interview question about childhood obesity was baller. the first thing she said was "get them away from the tv and the video games and get them playing imaginary games outside like i did when i was little." hell. yes. i knew i liked her for a reason. anyway, the miss america pageant made me want to talk about beauty. beauty is so individual. someone i think is pretty my guy friends think is ugly; a girl i think is unfortunate, they think is hot. what's the deal? even among people of the same sex, what is considered beautiful is so so so varied. i just find it interesting that we are all genetically almost the exact same, yet all manage to look so different. i found this website that allows the user to create his/her own snowflake and it is pretty fun. just like no snowflake is alike, no person is alike (identical twins do not count in this case). and sometimes i think about how if any little think about my conception was different, i would not be here, i would not be me. isn't that a trip?! i have this quote that i like a lot "you can never replace anyone, because everyone is made of such beautiful, specific details." it's so true that it's almost difficult for me to comprehend. how can we all be humans, yet all be so different? the beautiful and specific details are what makes each of us beautiful in some way, to some one. it sounds corny, i know, but it's true when you think about it. beauty is just so hard to define. that's why i'm attracted to it i guess, similar to last night's topic. so how do people get off saying YOU are beautiful, YOU are ugly. sorry. the confines of being beautiful in one culture and ugly in another are crazy to me too. how is that fair or justifiable? it's been said a million times before, but i think it's so true. the influence society has on people to this day is amazing. it's no longer evolutionarily required that society mandate how to live life, yet people are still so drawn in by and affected by its norms and regulations. so this post has mushroomed in a lot of directions, but i'm okay with that. and i'm also finished posting for the night. the picture choice is difficult for this one, but i'm going with corny (again).


does it have to be kept?

  1. had a good time last night with high school friends. sat around, chilled, shot the bull until the wee hours--gotta love college. 
  2. no classes today! did laundry, caught up on magazines/tv shows, considered baking cookies. maybe tomorrow.
  3. i'm enjoying having a nothing weekend. plan on doing work tomorrow, maybe watching a movie, watching the SNOW (yes, did i mention it's snowing?!) and baking cookies.
i already know what i want to talk about tomorrow night--big night and big topic! so look forward to that. but tonight i want to talk about truth. it seems as if people never discuss what is the truth, only what is a lie. lies seems to be gray, nebulous things that are so hard to discern. well, from some schools of thought that's how lies are considered. others define lies as untruths. but that brings me back to my original question--what is the truth? how can one thing be defined by its antithesis? so the truth is...whatever is not a lie? but a lie is an untruth, a skewed version of the truth? see my problem? how can a definition contain the antonym--that seems like cheating. so for something to be a lie, it can either be said or unsaid. but is it the same for a truth? is the truth spoken, known, unspoken? and i think it's weird how something unsaid is a lie, but when spoken suddenly becomes a truth. think about it--someone keeps something from you and tells you something else (a lie); but when the something being kept is spoken aloud, it becomes a truth. the rapid transformation is so interesting to me. lie-->truth. and truth can become a lie when it is then not disclosed. truth-->lie. so then is it truth<-->lie? i think that makes sense. i feel like a philosophy student writing a dissertation.


just chilling.

  1. had my classes today--still might drop inls because it's really stupid. but we'll see.
  2. at a stupid school for the night. i hate this school. but here i am, with my friends. should be fun! no classes tomorrow.
  3. i'm looking forward to a calming weekend. i have had a...stressful...couple of days.
short post tonight. i don't really feel like posting at all. it's been one of those...24 hours? i just don't have much to say.


"street cred"

  1. hit the snooze button a lot. it was a nice feeling.
  2. HGS--my version of GTL (gym, tan, laundry, for the jersey shore ignorant). homework, gym, shower. good stuff.
  3. more homework/lab hours/not eating at dinner. still not hungry for dining hall food. yuck.
so, the promised list of the top six fashion mistakes guys make, again with the disclaimer, in my opinion. i hope guys can learn from this list and correct some of the fashion mishaps they may be making and girls are too nice to tell them about. da da da...here it goes...

  1. WIFEBEATERS--okay, first off, the name of this "garment" is unacceptable. wifebeater? come on. wifebeaters are like skankware for a guy. they are gross and unacceptable in most environments. a side note to this comment: no, wifebeaters are not okay at the gym. they are still see-through and cheap looking and most guys who wear them either have too-big egos or don't have the body for it. just wear a t-shirt, please. overall, wifebeaters (and guy tank tops) are just not okay with me. they look like trailor trash clothing, so why would a guy want to emulate that? not so sure.
  2. BAGGY PANTS--okay, this is for you. baggy pants do not make you look cool. they make you look like you don't know how to buy something that fits. this actually goes for shirts, shoes, jackets, anything guys wear. it doesn't fit. and yes, maybe it's "cool" or gives you "street cred" to wear baggy pants--but imo you just look like a dumbass. clothes that fit are sexy; conversely, clothes that don't fit (especially if intended to not fit) look stupid. and like you are trying way too hard. or like you don't know how to find clothes that fit your body.
  3. PLEATED PANTS--so i know this is a lot about pants. but i hate pleated pants. they add bulk and make guys look oddly distended and weird in the pelvis area. they make flat-front pants--so buy them! pleats are such an old-school throwback and make pants look too big and make everything look too bulky (in a BAD way). now, an addendum to this, pleats are okay in rare cases. if the pants fit a guy to a tee and the pleat is there because it needs to be for the pant to fit--that's fine. but most pants with pleats are just trying to look like dress pants, and failing. 
  4. SWEATPANTS--yup, this one crosses over between genders. i hate when guys look like slobs. if i took the time to put on clothes, you can too. i can't decide which bugs me more--wearing sweatpants to try to look cool and laid back and hip, or wearing sweatpants because you are lazy as hell. if you look like you don't care, girls don't care either. and will talk to the guy who has attractive, well -fitting clothes on and leave you with your gross sweats for the gym. and it seems that sweats are always paired with wifebeaters--even worse! and if bling is added? oh please.
  5. MISMATCHED--now, this is not an item of clothing, but it applies to a lot of things. wearing colors or patterns that do not go together is so annoying. did you get dressed in the dark? even if you did, look down when you get outside and make sure color schemes work (if you'd like personal advice, please, just ask me). same goes for patterns--different patterns can match, but it depends. as a general rule, bold patterns (stripes, plaids, dots, floral, etc.) do not go together. one must be the dominant and one the subordinate print. also, make sure dressiness level matches. yes, casual and dress items can be mixed but only to a point. tie, dress shirt, shorts? not okay. tshirt, dress pants, tennis shoes? not okay.
  6. HATS/JEWELRY--this is an important one. i generally dislike hats. some people are "hat people," others are not. know which type you are and stick to it. hats inside? never okay. hats backwards because they look "cool?" only okay if you have street cred (note: most of you reading this blog do not. that's right, even you. nope...you don't either). also, jewelry is hard to wear as a guy. bling just looks stupid and bulky and excessive and egotistical. especially if it's fake! earrings can be okay sometimes, but only studs, never loops. bracelets? why do i even have to chastise a guy for wearing a bracelet (and no, not the rubber ones that say inspirational stuff--those are okay). rings? only when married. basically, accessories are typically a "girl thing," especially jewelry. and hats...sigh. i guess i just don't like hats, unless absolutely functional. 
so, that's my list for guys. it's a little less specific, but still important! i think at some point i want to write lists for girls and guys about items i think each should have in his/her closet. yes, those are important lists. these posts were not intended to offend, just offer my opinion and educate!


    boots with the fur

    1. had my classes, went to my meetings, ate a meal! that was a pretty exciting day considering yesterday was spent alternately napping in bed, writing a paper, and forcing sips of water. yay, recovery!
    2. decided (again) that red pumps are a necessity. perhaps if i save up some extra $, it can be redirected into my red shoe fund. donations are appreciated.
    3. still working on making friends with new people in new classes--more information coming...
     tonight, as promised to two of my friends, i am posting about bad fashion choices. i will make a list of the top six worst fashion mistakes a girl can make, in my humble opinion. tomorrow night, the same list will be repeated, but for guys. take notes! the fashion policewoman is reporting for duty...
    1. UGGS--are only appropriate for sheep herders in the down under. i abhor ugg boots at all times, no matter what. as my friend says "ugg boots make girls look like a paraplegic." while this is not a joking matter (being paraplegic or wearing ugg boots) it must be said that I HATE UGG BOOTS. i've finally said it, out loud and proud. they are the epitome of notgivingadamn, especially when sweatpants are shoved into them and a ratty sweatshirt rounds out the whole ensemble.
    2. PAJAMAS--on that note, pajamas in public=not okay. don't get me wrong, i love my pajamas and put them on asap upon arriving in my dorm. however, when i see girls in pajamas walking to class, i'm beyond frustrated. is it that hard to put on jeans instead of pajama pants and a tshirt instead of a sweatshirt? "comfortable" does not have to mean "slept-in." the most illogical thing is changing from pajamas worn to bed into pajamas for class--just put on f'ing real clothes, damn it!
    3. LEGGINGS--i can't believe this didn't occur to me earlier. leggings are not pants. leggings are not pants. leggings. are. not. pants. i almost think that this should have been my blog title, just to teach everyone a lesson. leggings are made of see-through, negligee-esque, tight fabric that a) does not function as a pant because it does not cover one's body, b) does not look good on every body type (!), and c) may be comfortable, but please, see above note.
    4. SKANKWEAR--while skanky clubwear is more than appropriate in some situations (be they public or private situations, i.e. jersey shore party, bedroom, etc.) in class, at the store, and on the job are example places where skankwear is not acceptable. not only is it not acceptable, it comes across as looking desperate, ditzy, and...well...skanky. now, my friends mentioned above may differ with my opinion on this one, but i'm really not wanting to see your goods flying out of your clothes when i'm trying to talk about Huck Finn, trying to buy my damn groceries, or trying to run a restaurant.
    5. CROCS--again, how did this wait until the fifth slot? i hate crocs. i don't care if you stand up all day--there are more attractive shoes that can be functional for arch support as well as easy-to-clean. just...buy another pair of shoes and save the crocs for the...dumpster. actually, in the spirit of giving, can everyone just donate their crocs to haiti? since the only thing they are good for is disaster zones, they might actually be put to use. on second thought, i care more for the haitians than to send them crocs. please, for the sake of humanity, invest in another pair of shoes than crocs.
    6. VPL--visible panty line. and other visible undergarments. again, guys may differ for this one, but i hate when i can see a most obvious panty line in a situation when a panty line should not be visible (i.e., at work). the gym is an exception to this rule--by all means look cute at the gym, and by all means wear full-coverage at the gym. but aside from that, if one is going to wear tight pants, PLEASE just wear a thong or a seamless panty. also, bra straps. how can bra straps still show these days when there are bras that convert 50+ ways (no joke). unless it's meant to show (see #4), just buy a bra that works for a lot of styles of shirts. 
    so, that's my fashion list (thus far). guys, if interested, read tomorrow night for what you should not wear (again, in my opinion). also, feel free to comment and agree/disagree.



    1. i have been sick as a dog since last night. pretty sure it was food poisoning, also pretty sure i want it to be over and done with asap. being sick sucks so bad--being sick in college is the worst ever. 
    2. wrote my first paper of the semester today. yes, that's right, paper #1 is due tomorrow and it's only the third week of classes. gross.
    3. started my involvement in another lab today! i like both the lab environments and i'm pumped to start working more in-depth in both labs. i do cool stuff, man.
     this is another short post. reason 1: i feel like i've been punched in the stomach and stuffed with spiky rocks from dining hall food. reason 2: i have to finish editing my paper. reason 3: my mind has been relatively empty of exciting thoughts today. i guess i just want to talk about being lucky. i feel really lucky (despite my torn up insides). mainly, i'm happy about the fact that i know what i want to do with my life. i may not have specifics nailed down, but i have a general idea and i'm taking the steps to make that plan happen. i love what i'm studying in school and am so excited to live college life and see where i go after that. i want new experiences and i want to make everyone in my life proud and i want to be all i can be. so this has been a pretty optimistic and cheesy post, but it's true. i feel lucky to know what i want and to be on the track taking me there. i recognize every day that people are not as fortunate as i am in this respect, and i hope everyone will figure stuff out in his/her own way.


    "hokay, so. here is zee earth..."

    1. stayed up late again...napped (for once)...did homework.
    2. went to the gym! i forgot how much i love going to the gym. it makes me feel like a badass who can beat people up. on that note, i want to take boxing lessons.
    3. got sick, still sick, hopefully from dining hall food and not from a stomach bug. ughhhh.
     like i said last night, i want to talk about the movie avatar tonight. specifically, how it made me feel and how it addresses environmentalism. the movie made me sad (i cried), furious, hopeless, and awed (beautiful cinematography). i was cheering against the American soldiers and for the N'avi people. the brutality of the Americans and the intrinsically peaceful nature of the N'avi made an obvious historical reference. but what tore me up the most, other than seeing all the people die, was the destruction of the planet. my mother can attest to the fact that i cried when a tree was cut down outside my house when i was a girl. literally, crying and begging my mother to stop them. but no, they cut the tree down anyway, and now my parents regret it because it used to block the view of a house way up on the mountain, but not anymore. ha! anyway, what i want to impress with this post is the importance of conservation of and connection to planet earth. i know people think that the problems today won't matter by the time our generation dies, but that is not true. the environmental crisis is real and it is eminent. i can't fathom how people refuse to take the steps that can reduce the impact humans have already made on this planet. this is our earth, our island home, and we are destroying it. every second of every day. and when people are BLIND and STUPID and UNCARING about their personal impact--it drives me insane. this, unfortunately, is directed mainly at my conservative readers, although i know plenty of liberals who don't care about the earth. i know there are huge and pressing issues that plague our generation, but if the earth is not taken care of, there will be no issues left, because there will be no life left. the earth and her resources and life systems are precious--that is all i can say.

    next up on the list--live on my own!