

  1. had a great day. delicious lunch and then went to the mall. 
  2. shopped at the new h&m and also the forever 21, then got another ear piercing! 
  3. my night was so much fun. except for a teensy, weensy incident, it was all so much crazy fun.
i don't have that much to say, of course, because it's the weekend and i'm exhausted. but i'm happy and i love 12 hours and i love my friends. they have made my college experience unforgettable. i'm also happy that i've made new friends and decided to follow my motto, to fly, and lived it as much as i can. i promise, tomorrow night will have an interesting post. my weekends really do need to pick it up...i apologize.


the disney d

  1. one pm. that's what time i woke up today. it felt amazing. granted, i was awake til 2 am reading my new book. 
  2. had no classes but i was still semi-productive.
  3. ate a delicious dinner and had delicious ice cream for dessert! i'm excited for this weekend. 
i watched aladdin tonight and it made me want to be a little kid again. aladdin was always a great disney movie, but i never could decide if it was my favorite. i really loved sleeping beauty (i thought the fairies were really cool), but watching it now makes me realize how simplistic it is, because it was the first one made. lion king was always great, but sad. the little mermaid? enough said. but it's interesting watching these movies as a semi-adult because i catch all the innuendos and subtleties. also, i took a fairy tales class and it forever changed how i think about disney movie portrayals of classic fairy tales. really? a whole new world, ariel? like...the men's world, up above the women's world of the ocean? wow, sexist. there are many examples of these sorts of things. you can google them if you're interested. for now, i think i will watch the jungle book next...and keep reading my book. cheers!


"don't die."

  1. class today, beautiful weather, weekend started. overall? great day.
  2. watched tv with my suitemate tonight, read a book (like, a non-school book, shocker!), and ate some ice cream. wow, 12 hours =
  3. going to bed relatively early tonight and planning to have a productive and fun weekend!
so i wrote on my hand the word "biology" today because i wanted to remind myself that i wanted to blog about that tonight. buuuut now i've been reading the do-over novel "pretty little mistakes" for the second time and it gave me something else to think about. this book, btw, was a graduation present from my sister. i like it a lot and highly recommend it, if for nothing else than its entertainment value and its perspective about life. anyway, i've talked about death before but not how i want to talk about it tonight. it seems crazy to me how easily we can all die. like, so many things in this life can be straight-up lethal. but isn't it strange how many billions of people avoid death every day? what makes life the option some people get to take over death? it makes me even more supportive of the principle of survival of the fittest. granted, it's not as big of a deal now as it was back then, but it's still relevant. lifestyle choices, like overeating or not exercising or tanning, are not exactly conducive to surviving and passing on genes. but the thing is, lifestyle choices will usually keep someone alive long enough to reproduce, unlike getting killed by a velociraptor or something. anyway, i just think it's weird how death is so close at every moment and how it seems so random that some people die and some people don't--it's like flipping a coin. or so it seems...who can really know, though. i think i need to post funny stuff again soon...my posts are getting too heavy. suggestions? 



  1. spent most of my day outside reading for classes tomorrow. it was beautifully sunny and lively and relaxing. 
  2. missed america's next top model for a meeting--yeah, i'm pretty upset about it.
  3. i am excited to register for fall classes! i have no direction that i need to go in really, it's all about the classes that i want to take. that's an exciting feeling.
it's pretty interesting to me that new moore island in the bay of bengal has completely disappeared. india and bangladesh had been fighting over possession of the uninhabited rock island for over 30 years. and now, the island has sunk underwater, thanks to global climate change. thanks, mother earth, for solving that political dilemma. it makes the global climate change phenomenon seem pretty real. i hate to think that one of my favorite cities on the planet is also going to sink--venice. i am in love with italy, and especially in love with venice. the deep mystery and history that characterizes the city is poignant, lonely, beautiful, and compelling all at once. and it's sinking. i encourage everyone to visit venice to experience what will no longer be possible to visit, perhaps in our lifetime. one day, new moore island was there, the next day...it was gone. so why do people not believe in atlantis? will people be questioning venice's existence hundreds of years from now? people just need to remember how to believe in things (please see posts on magic and fairies). also, i get really frustrated when people claim that "global warming" is all a sham because it's been a really cold winter. the correct term is global climate change, which i'm pretty sure this past winter proves is happening. that is a tangent, but i just want people to stop being ignorant and believe that humans are the reason that islands like new moore are sinking. accept it and make the appropriate lifestyle changes, or it will be too late (for us, and for venice).


"i need a soldier"

  1. loooong day today. classes and meetings and papers, oh my!
  3. spent my evening in a lovely way. 
i think there is a major difference between being anti-war and anti-military. i usually fall into the previous category and am often accused of being "anti-military" or "anti-soldiers" or something ignorant like that. i don't like war, but i am incredibly supportive of our troops. i have the utmost respect for the people who put their lives on the line day after day, year after year to support the goals of the higher ups in government. soldiers have accepted that they are not in a place to act out their personal feelings about policy; they accept the task at hand and carry it out. that kind of courage is admirable. while i have some (major) problems with the military institution, i am in no way anti-military or anti-soldiers. that is absurd. i support our troops and do what i can to show that support. when i see men and women in uniform, i thank them for their service and try to learn a little about their lives/missions. i've been told that a simple "thank you" means a lot, especially in a climate of an unpopular war. because of this, i have decided to write some letters to soldiers abroad and thank them for their service. you can too, if you want, using one of these websites...


the bunny

  1. today has not been one of those days where i see the beauty in life. but according to my resolution, i need to look for the beauty in every day, even the awful ones. 
  2. i missed the bus, i have to pay a lot of money to get the girl's car fixed, i cut myself shaving, it rained and was cold, i have ZERO motivation to do any work...it was just a bad day. 
  3. but tomorrow is free cone day at ben & jerry's and softball game day, so it will hopefully be better than today.
my energy is draining. school is starting to become really hard because i have a lot of free time, or so it seems, so i end up wasting time doing non-school things (like getting tanlines) and then have to do all my work at once. good work ethic? i think not. but i hope it's just a phase similar to my really high energy phase that lasted a few weeks. i'm starting to sound hypomanic in my description of my energy level patterns--this is not the case, i promise. but i really do just feel drained after today. i think it's because i had such an amazing weekend and now feel the pressure to get through tomorrow. man, i love college? most of the time. but it's also strange how being around certain people can make affect your energy level. that's all i'm going to say about that.

mmm, cake

  1. lazy sunday. went to the baseball game, did homework, watched a movie. i feel repetitive, but i love being in 12 hours...and i love that it's springtime.
  2. i'm counting down the weeks to summer! it will bring new, exciting things into my life. 
  3. the revised health care bill passed the house tonight. which brings me to my topic for tonight (kind of)...ta da!
cake. everyone loves cake (actually, not everyone, but still). since everyone loves cake so much, we always want to have our cake and eat it too. not possible. repeat: not. possible. this is where the frustration factors in. you want the cake, to look at the cake, smell the cake...eat the cake. but then! you eat the cake...and it's gone. you can't eat it and still have it. sorry. wrong-o! not how it works. yes, semantics can factor into this argument, but let's be real: the point of the phrase is that one cannot simultaneously have one thing and have another contradictory thing. so as this relates to health care, people want full-coverage and for their problems to all be magically solved...but no one wants to pay for it or for government to interfere. see what i mean? why can't people understand that YOU CAN'T HAVE BOTH?! yes, i am guilty of this crime of being blissfully ignorant to life's realities and murphy's law, but i am slowly learning that this cake rule applies to life almost all the time. some people think it will also apply to personal life, like, one can have a significant other, but still flirt like one is single. it may work for awhile, but eventually it will all catch up and blow up in one's face. or so i like to think this is true...anyway. it all comes back to the cake: you can't want one thing for yourself, like being single, but then not want the person you are interested in to remain off the market. that's just not fair. i have a lot to say on this topic, as you can tell, but i think i have summed it up pretty well for now. cake rule.

my bucket list item for this week is especially fitting: bake a big cake, like a wedding cake but just for me and whomever happens to be in my life at the time i decide to bake it.