
early bird special.

  1. won our football game today!!! it was an exciting win at home. it was really hot for most of the game, but the shade felt wonderful when it finally fell. 
  2. had a chill dinner at the apartment by myself. did some homework for monday (almost finished with the readings) and watched some tv. 
  3. now getting ready to go out and hopefully have a fun night with friends! 
figured i would blog earlier in the night (for once). i'm excited for the saturday night festivities but sad that the weekends always seem to fly by! i got to skype with my boyfriend and one of my besties who are both in london right now and it was really funny! they seemed to be having a lot (ALOT) of fun. i know that they are both liking their respective countries and are having good semesters so far. it's hard, and an adjustment certainly, but i think it will all be worth it. people found out yesterday about study abroad for the spring--it's weird to think that i could have been one of them! i have a small twinge of regret, but i also keep thinking about all that i would have missed here and i am consoled. i know that next semester will be great and i know that my (hopeful) summer in florence will be a-ma-zing! i love italy and i can't wait to live there. i feel like italy is such a "C" country. for reasons that i am sure do not need explaining: food, fashion, culture, history, beauty, language. la vita bella!


flying time.

  1. i don't feel like blogging much tonight. i had a pretty average day and a pretty boring night until i went and met up with friends. then my night got a lot better.
  2. did a lot of my reading for monday today. i want to get a jump start on weekend homework so that i won't have a miserable sunday/monday.
  3. i live for the weekends.
we have a home football game tomorrow afternoon and i'm excited! i love football and i love the weekends. i also get to watch some pretty good movies this weekend for my class on tuesday. italian midterm on wednesday and english paper due on thursday. then home for a wedding and then fall break week starts! i love october.


i'm full.

  1. my last class of the day got canceled so i got to go home early! that was really nice. i also didn't have to sit through another boring class of british literature II. 
  2. did some homework, took a short nap, went to the store.
  3. spaghetti dinner!!! it was so much fun. 
i am really tired tonight and want to go to bed. boring post! but really, i know this usually happens on the weekends. so you should be used to it by now, right? we all figured out our costumes for halloween and also all talked about spring break! can't wait for 2011.


and the costume is...

  1. italian class today but it didn't last for that long. midterm next wedesday so we are spending friday and monday reviewing.
  2. didn't have participants to run today so i got out early and walked home in the beautiful weather! it was so nice outside and i got an early start on my homework. 
  3. had a good night. boxing was even harder today because i was still sore from monday! and the cardio was outside and i fell during part of it (while trying to do step-ups on bleachers). yikes! but i know it's good for me.
okay. so. my costume for halloween is...barbie! i'm so excited! i am still figuring out what kind of barbie to be. malibu barbie is the obvious choice but it will also be...really cold. so i need to find a warmer outfit to wear but i also really want to make it obvious that i am barbie. me, my roommate, and my friend are all being different types of barbies. i think my roommate is being housewife barbie and my friend is being 80s barbie. it'll be a great night!!! i'll be coming back from NYC and ready to have a fun time. but i'll pick out an outfit soon and keep y'all updated. any suggestions?



  1. was entirely too domestic today, but it needed to get done. cleaned the apartment, made dinner, did laundry, mended a shirt, etc. it was almost like a stress reliever. 
  2. had classes today but they were pretty interesting. my arms felt even more like lead/sore, though, so that made typing/writing all day interesting.
  3. decided to be pro-active this week and start my hundreds of genocide reading earlier than saturday afternoon! we'll see if this actually happens since i also have a midterm thursday and a paper tuesday, but that is the hope!
so according to this guy in my english class, there is something wrong with me for liking the diary of a mad black woman. sorry i laugh at funny jokes and movies intended to be comedies? yeah, no. he's just an arrogant jerk who thinks he knows everything. but he didn't hurt my feelings or anything, just sparked a debate in the class. i think that's a step for me! usually i take everything so personally. but people were talking about how the movie was too dramatic to be a comedy, too much of a cliche, too much about tyler perry, too much this, too much that. all people did was complain. i tried to stick up for the movie as much as i could. i see some obvious problems with it, but there is no need to rake a movie like that through the coals. but it's bedtime for me. see how early i'm writing this blog?! something must be off-kilter in the world! but that is fine with me since it means more sleep.


pursuit of happines

  1. i'm on the pursuit of happiness/ and i know that everything that shines ain't always gonna be gold/ i'll be fine once i get it/ i'll be good.
  2. long day today. i think i might be getting sick so i need to start to getting to bed earlier! got a 100 on my oral interview in italian and had a pretty good day in history too. 
  3. my night involved talking to my eurotrash boyfriend (just kidding!) and going to boxing club, then watching the diary of a mad black woman for my class tomorrow.
it was certainly an interesting movie. i had some issues with it for sure (it was too unrealistic and too happy of an ending, for example) but i think it was a well-made movie. definitely entertaining and thought-provoking. i'll be interested to say what people have to say about it in class tomorrow. but my arms are so weak and so heavy from boxing tonight. we did lots of actual boxing tonight, as well as lots of bear crawls and lots of pushups, as usual. but i will post more about this movie tomorrow night unless i come up with another topic. p.s. think about the zimbardo and milgram experiments as they relate to what you know about the holocaust's perpetrators, victims, and heroes.


history post

  1. the days just keep on going. morning, night. giorno, sera. i wish they would fly by! or i wish that i could fly...one of the two.
  2. had a long day of homework today and a long day of talking. 
  3. i think 13 is a good place to start.
i just wish that someone had invented floo powder by now, geez. or a portkey. or even flying brooms! what are we muggles doing wrong?! oh well, c'est la vie outside of hogwarts. anyway, my exciting blog topic for the evening is...the holocaust! perhaps exciting is not the best word...but i've been reading about it all day and it always shocks me how the holocaust happened. i read a statistic today in my reading that hitler's "wars of aggression" cost 40-45 millions lives (including all the mass murdering). that is unbelievable to me. that's basically 1/6 americans (maybe closer to 1/7) just being wiped off the face of the earth (based on current population of america). some of the testimonials in my reading were so upsetting, especially the ones of survivors. what was almost more upsetting were the accounts of the absolute certainty and with which the higher-ups carried out the holocaust. there were no moral qualms, in fact great lengths were taken to prevent any questioning from citizens/troops/officials. it was so calculated, so vast, so evil. but another one of my readings claims that the holocaust is unique in several ways but one of the ways it is not unique is that it does not exist in a vacuum. essentially, he argues that the capabilities for such good and altruism could not exist in this world without the similar capabilities for evil and horror. i agree with the basic principle of this argument purely from my background as a psychology major. it seems like a yin-yang kind of theory...only with good can there be bad, and only with bad can there be good. it's like both have to exist in order for any sort of frame of reference for the other to be available. but that's just how i see it. there are plenty of people who disagree with me. for now, it's more holocaust reading, shower, then bed. let's hear a hoo-rah for the longest day of the week (monday)! not.
bucket list item: make good decisions. it's broad and it's intended to be slightly joking/funny, but it's also entirely true and an acceptable item, in my eyes, and that's all that matters!