
being lame.

  1. woke up before noon today and took a shower and got ready for the game! it was so much fun. we won and it felt so nice outside. 
  2. went to dinner with a group of friends. yummy! then walked a lot and walked the dinner off, haha.
  3. had a really fun night with friends chilling at a house.
don't have a blog topic for tonight. but i'll write a better one tomorrow.



  1. italian class today; got my assignment for our first oral exam! mine is on wednesday but it shouldn't be too bad. 
  2. had a nice lunch with a friend today; it was great to catch up with her.
  3. craaaazy night.
insanity. madness. holy moly. i'm going to bed.


yum yum yum

  1. long day of classes today. as per usual. but at least it stopped raining! 
  2. out to the university down the road to hang out with high school friends. it's just what i need. 
  3. i miss these friends a lot of the time. but i also love my friends from school!
short blog post tonight because i am with all my friends and i don't want to be antisocial for too long. but i am at least blogging and i will have more time tomorrow to blog about a more interesting topic. 


rain, rain, go away! come back on sunday.

  1. busy day today! but wednesday is over; i'm over the hump and ready for the weekend. of course, i still have three classes tomorrow but they shouldn't be too bad. homework for them is almost finished. 
  2. boxing tonight was hard! but we got our wrist wraps in and learned how to wrap our hands. then we got to put on gloves and hit these mitt things that our partners had on. after 30 minutes each of cardio and strength workouts...
  3. ate breakfast for dinner! yummy. full of protein and carbs to replenish my depleted body after the two hour workout. oh, p.s. i got a 97 on my italian quiz!
i am going to bed! it rained all day and it put me in a bad mood. i'm sick of wearing rain boots! and my calves are big so my rain boots always rip on the back seam. hmph. so i'm totally over the rain, although we need it a lot. so that is why i'm not blogging! blame the weather gods! but it's supposed to stop by 10 am tomorrow so maybe tomorrow night will be better!


tired body

  1. long day of classes and homework today...but i'm almost over the mid-week hump! usually from wednesday on i have a pretty low-key week. 
  2. started the spring break 2011 powerpoint presentation! also contacted all the owners to ask about renting to a group of college students...we'll see how that turns out. also used another website and found a bunch more houses to sort through!
  3. led my own workout session tonight before chopped champions finale!!! it was so good. i won't ruin anything for the viewers who have not yet seen it.
tonight is another short post because i almost forgot about it and don't have to time to do a good post before bed! but as a side note, all comments are appreciated, even if they are cynical. and a comment on yesterday's post raised a good point about the movie that i will address thursday when i have seen the entire movie and finished up discussion with the class. oh, i also got a ticket for the football game this weekend...couldn't remember if i mentioned that already. i'm excited!!! it's an afternoon game too, so that is very nice. but tata for now...ciao!

p.s. i love this picture.


a requiem

  1. longest. day. ever. learned how to conjugate verbs ending in -are in italian today, watched parts one and two of when the levees broke, had a surprisingly interesting and heated discussion in history, meeting, boxing, (almost) bedtime. 
  2. GOT A POSTCARD FROM SPAIN TODAY!!! it was so exciting, obviously. 
  3. can't wait for it to be october 1st and can't wait for the wedding weekend! being at home during the fall will be amazing. 
okay, so as promised: an explanation. i would choose to vote republican over not voting at all because i know that my one vote switching from democrat to republican would not have an effect. on the same note, however, why just not vote at all then? something about not voting gives me the heebeejeebees. i don't know if i could not vote...that goes against all that i stand for. then again, voting republican does also. but i stand by my claim (obviously, because i'm stubborn).
truly am very exhausted so this will be semi-short. but it goes along with the tidbit i just posted above and relates to my watching of when the levees broke. OMG, WTF?!?! that movie is crazy so far. i was mid-teens when it happened and well aware of the situation but it blows my mind to watch it all again, five years later. clearly, the movie had political and social biases and implications, but even those aside, just the basic facts about the katrina disaster bloooow my mind. it's unreal to me. the sheer idiocy of george bush, michael browning, michael chernoff, everyone at the federal level is appalling. I HATE GEORGE BUSH. his smirk is possibly the most insulting facial expression i have ever seen. that's all that the federal government did to victims of katrina--add insult to injury. and yes, i will have the people who disagree with me, but i couldn't care less. oh, so we were in a war on terror and we couldn't deal with the horrifying terror that was thrown in our face in our own country?! real cool, america. and yes there were admirable and important and miraculous efforts from thousands of people in this country and abroad...but what about the millions of people who did nothing? to quote the lady in the movie, "i hope they can sleep at night."


tough choices...

  1. long day of homework! i literally did homework for about 10 hours today. and all for one class! whoo hoooo. classes tomorrow, homework tomorrow, meeting tomorrow, boxing tomorrow. the beginnings of my weeks are always jam-packed. 
  2. my friend discovered this amazing website that i am now addicted to... http://www.outdoor-photos.com/
  3. today was a tough day. but at least i have a blog topic...
there is this game, it's called would you rather. so i've decided to play it on my blog and answer some "would you rather..." questions. if you have any that you are interested in knowing the answer to, just post them in the comments section and i'll answer the next day! also, if you want explanation for any of these, just comment and ask about whichever one.
would you rather...
be blind or be deaf?     deaf.
go to italy or go to hawaii?     hawaii.
watch basketball or watch football?     football.
have an australian or have a french accent?     french.
be a model or be an actress?     actress.
lose taste or lose smell?     smell.
be invisible or be able to fly?     be able to fly.
have bad teeth or bad hair?     bad hair.
live at the beach or live in the city?     live in the city.
have a mental illness or a chronic physical illness?     mental illness.
vote republican or not vote at all?     vote republican. 
be from the north or be from the midwest? death by samurai sword!
bucket list item: stay at an open air hotel under the stars.