

  1. drove home today!!! it was a hard drive but i had company that was much appreciated. 
  2. yummy dinner outside and family time! it doesn't get much better than this...
  3. very tired and worn out...can't wait to get to bed. 
after a long drive, my summer has come to a close and i'm back home. for now. school starts soon and i move into my apartment and do all that fun stuff. should be fun/interesting/hard/etc. i'm ready, though. and i'll have good help. now, it's bedtime!


see ya!

  1. packed up all my stuff today...preparing to move out tomorrow. 
  2. i can cross off one item on my bucket list so far...live alone. such an experience! 
  3. can't wait to get back to my home and then back to school. it's been a long time coming. 
once again, my life is about to change. i'm excited and also nervous. tonight, i just want to remind myself that everything will be okay. i believe in myself to accept all challenges, and i believe that i know when to seek help from others. i can do this!


C is for cookie

  1. webmail is down! how frustrating. i hate not being able to check my email. 
  2. had a nice, relaxing day with my boyfriend. went poolside, watched narnia, went out to visit friends, ate dinner, watched JERSEY SHORE!!! 
  3. i've been twenty for a whole week not. t-minus 51 weeks until 21!!!
okay, okay, so guilty as charged. no interesting blog tonight. i'm sorry! i promise that they'll be more interesting soon. i need to start blogging earlier. pretty sure i've already said that before too. oh well...going to see a movie tomorrow hopefully and just hanging out. i got a fortune cookie tonight that said "you will enjoy doing something different this coming weekend." i feel like fortune cookies and horoscopes are all just cop outs. they are so generic that they HAVE to be true for most anyone. but i really am doing something very different this weekend, so that's exciting!


school's out for summer

  1. boyfriend came today!!! picked him up from the airport and it's been great just hanging out all day. 
  2. got lovely birthday presents and went out to a delicious birthday dinner! thanks to you know who...
  3. massive thunderstorms today. while i was running participants in the psych building the fire alarm went off and announced to stay away from windows and doors due to hail, winds of 60 mph+, and rain. scary!
not much to blog about tonight. another boring post! just excited to have company and excited to be moving back home soon. this summer has been great but i'm ready for school to start. i should be in some pretty cool classes. speaking of which, i need to buy books soon...



  1. early (!) gym workout, work most of the day. final meeting with my supervising professor. everything ended on a great note. 
  2. cleaned my suite area for my company tomorrow! vacuumed, did dishes, organized recycling, taking out the trash in the morning, picked up the floor. i like cleaning sometimes and really go to town.
  3. watched some shark week episodes tonight and now chopped is on and i'm blogging during commercial breaks. early to bed tonight since i'm waking up and driving to the airport tomorrow to pick up said company. 
i like being a competitor. i've mentioned before my love of the cooking competition show, chopped, and i've mentioned that i want to go to grad school in clinical psychology--the most competitive graduate program in the country. i grew up watching the original iron chef and iron chef america on my grandmother's tv. i like any show or book that involves competition. it makes for a great, fast-paced plot line and makes life exciting! to have ambition, drive, a competitive edge, you have to care. i care A LOT. especially about my academics. i've always been competitive against myself, but never saw the need to be really concerned about other people's performances. it was more about making myself better (or the best). so when the application process for grad school rolls around, i hope to go above and beyond what i ever thought i was capable of. honestly, i never saw myself on this track, mainly because i never knew it was really an option. but i've always been interested in human behavior and emotions and interactions and psychopathology. what i can't ever comprehend is how everyone else isn't as interested in this stuff as i am! but i think that is a true sign of passion and of devotion. so i'm competitive and i really feel like i can do this. all of this. so i need to remember that next time i turn in some writing that gets critiqued...



  1. gym, pool, work. 
  2. dinner with the lab! it was delicious and really nice and not as awkward as i expected. 
  3. bachelorette season finale!!! she chose the guy i wanted her to (and the guy i would have chosen)!
that show is so ridiculous! but in a good way. i like having some of my downtime devoted to trashy television and the bacehlorette definitely suffices. i'm tired already and have to wake up at 7:30 for an 8 am training session at the gym! talk about early morning work out. it will hopefully keep my metabolism up all day and it'll be nice to get to the gym pretty soon after my decadent dinner. i'll be a better blogger tomorrow night, scout's honor!



  1. melted at the pool, worked on the paper, did laundry, SHARK WEEK!!!
  2. almost five days until i'm driving home! yippee! 
  3. about to watch a rerun of the next food network star since i missed the show due to SHARK WEEK.
tonight is my 215th post. that's not really landmark or anything, but it's still a pretty big number! that means there are 150 days left and 150 posts left. how weird is that?! i'm excited about this year and ready to see how it will turn out, but also nervous about some things. for tonight, my bucket list item is to get a photo published in a magazine/book/calendar/etc. i just love taking pictures and i always wanted to be a photo journalist when i was little and work for national geographic. so maybe this item is a way i can make a small dream of mine from childhood come true.