

  1. had a not very good day. woke up on the wrong side of the bed and then had to write a paper all day. DA WORST.
  2. got an A on my southern lit final essay and an A for the class, so that was basically my high point. 
  3. had a qdoba night with friends so that was at least really fun/delicious. 
my friend told me to say alice died. okay. that is just a joke and it's not true and i don't even know anyone named alice. it's a nickname for our other friend. but anyway...there. i said it. i could blog right now but all i can think about is genocide and my migraine and my random night. there was just too much looking at a computer screen for me today and i am paying for it now. so i am going to bed and waking up to finish my paper (hopefully, though i do have time on monday) and then studying italian. ALSO, i decided that i am seeing narnia on monday...probably by myself. but i don't care! i am determined to see it and also want to see it as a matinee and monday or tuesday would be the best day for me. goodnight!


yes, i watched this movie tonight...

  1. i'm done with this day. it hasn't been a bad one...in fact, it's been a pretty good one. i am just ready to sleep...i woke up really early and had a semi-productive day, but this weekend is crunch time. 
  2. can't wait to give christmas presents!!! it's my favorite part of christmas. 
  3. i will be home in one week...how exciting is that?! and just two weeks from then...yay!
i just bought an external hard drive. i figured that since i already went through some hard drive drama, it would be a good idea to get a new one and back up all my files on my own hard drive in case anything happens. i would be devastated to lose all my stuff! so i am not sure if i made that a bucket list item at some point but i know it has been on my to-do list forever...so i just hope nothing bad happens before i get home and have a chance to back up everything! my plan is to work some more on this paper and then go to bed...and then sleep for a good amount of time before having a super productive day tomorrow. finishing my paper tomorrow would be awesome but it is not my ultimate goal. i need to study for italian so maybe splitting up saturday and sunday into halvsies would be a good idea--half genocide paper and half italian studying? BENE.


more pie!

  1. i have to wake up so early! and i got not nearly enough sleep last night! ahhh. and there was no point in napping today because i was going to go to bed early...perhaps my nap will be postponed until tomorrow.
  2. i got to listen to my psychology idol speak today. and meet him...and talk to him...and he liked my ideas. i should have just shown up in my nerd outfit from last night's party. couldn't have been more appropriate. 
  3. in one week my semester will be over and i will be getting ready to head home for the holidays! where has the time gone? i am almost kind of sad that is has gone this fast...but it was a helluva lotta fun. and i am even more excited for next semester!
my new plan: go to the gym tomorrow. haha. i need to start working out again! i need to continue it over break too so my workout clothes are definitely coming home with me. even if i just walk outside that is at least exercise. and i cleaned the apartment today and that definitely burned some calories. plus, the gym will be a good way for me to beat the exam week blues. it officially starts tomorrow, but luckily i'm not having to take an exam until monday. once i get this paper turned in, i will be checked out. hip hip hooray for the holidays!



  1. interesting reaction...but what does it mean?!
  2. had a good last day of classes...i only had one, haha. but i had two participant sessions to deal with so that wasn't the best. but tomorrow is a reading day so that means i can sleep in. 
  3. i am a pumpkin. don't ask questions...
he's on the cusp, can't you see that? that is all i have to say. also, i need to go to bed. right now. goodnight!


kids these days.

  1. last day of tuesday classes of 2010! YAY! the day went pretty quickly and i am glad it's over! i finished up all my work on time and get to relax for a day or two. one class tomorrow, two sessions of participants to run, and then FREEDOM. can't wait for tomorrow night.
  2. almost wrapped up all my christmas shopping. as i get older, the shopping becomes more difficult. more people to buy for and harder to figure out what to get. sometimes i miss the days of giving coupon books to my parents...haha. 
  3. trying to figure out a schedule for my exam week here. it really shouldn't be too bad. i have an italian exam on monday, a 10 page history paper due on monday afternoon, a film and culture exam on thursday (that i can use a cheat sheet on), and an emailed english exam due friday afternoon. 
tonight...oh man. i read this article about cyberbullying and it blew my mind. it is shocking what happens on the internet. i am supposedly of this technology generation and i guess i am since i was addicted to instant messaging when i was in middle school, but i totally missed the facebook and myspace phase for middle and even most of high school. people's ENTIRE LIVES are online now! i mean, hell, look at me--blogging every night because i actually think that people care enough about what i have to say. how arrogant! and granted, i am doing this in part for me but i also enjoy (most of the time) writing about stuff i think people will care about reading. but still. this article just absolutely made me crazy. and so nervous for kids growing up in this environment. basically, what is most threatening about online bullying is the anonymity, the difficulty finding the culprit, and that basically nothing can be done about it. i talked with my roommate about it tonight and was adamant that my kids would not have the online stuff at such a young age...but is that realistic? my parents trusted me to use IM wisely, which i did for the most part, though i was not innocent of participating in cyberbullying and was a victim of it. it was just how my friends were all communicating. and i did have time limits for my screen names, which was definitely a good step, and i was policed to some extent. but the rest of it was all basically up to me--and i turned out okay. so what is the right thing to do? the article is quite long but well worth the read. http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/111504/as-bullies-go-digital-parents-play-catch-up it is just so confusing to know how to handle yourself as a kid and as a parent. there are so many fine lines to toe that it becomes exhausting for both parties. i am mainly appalled that the kids who cyber bully are such horrible little demons. how can kids think this stuff is okay?! maybe even i am too far removed from the middle and early high school days to remember how it is being that young and growing up and trying to fit in, but damn. these stories are extreme...which is why they were chosen for the article, i guess. this is just another reason i am a psychology major. i'm just trying to understand adolescents.


safe travels all around.

  1. had a great day today! my genocide class is officially over (minus the 10 page paper i have to turn in next monday) and my italian class was really short. i got a lot of work done today too...all i have left is to edit/extend my paper and turn it in by midnight tomorrow!
  2. got to talk to most of my favorite people today; it was da best. lots of catching up happened and lots more is to come over the next few weeks! exciting. 
  3. getting even more excited by the day for christmas break and next semester! i think that my posts in these last few weeks will be up-and-down a lot of the time but still hopefully contain a lot of exclamation marks. 
it's bedtime for me...i am exhausted and have a long last day of tuesday/thursday classes ahead of me tomorrow. sorry to be boring...i know it's a regular thing for me lately. but i'll get back to posting good things soon, like i said, once classes and exams are OVA. can't wait!


you are beautiful

  1. productive day...sort of. finished a paper that is due tuesday and found out that my other two assignments due tuesday aren't due until midnight, yay! and the take home exam i have due on tuesday is only supposed to take me 1.5 hours, so i will knock that out tomorrow.
  2. had a fun post-sleepover morning with my friends and then went back to the mall to shop with them, but i did not buy anything. all the snow melted but it was still pretty in some shady parts of town. 
  3. talked to my boyfriend today for a not-so-happy reason but all is well now and that is good news. also talked to my parents and they seem to be loving NYC at christmas (how can you not?!) so i am happy for them. and a wee bit jealous...
4 weeeeks. YAY YAY YAY YAY. if you couldn't tell, i am very excited. and in less than 2 weeks i will be home for christmas break! yippee! i feel like once i get past tuesday, things will start looking up. they are not bad now, i just have a fair amount of work to get done. and then a pretty nice exam schedule time-wise that doesn't involve toooo much work. i am still on my everyone-should-be-grateful-this-holiday-season kick so that is what you get to read about tonight. my roommate and i talk a lot about the issues we have with this country. i think they are all legitimate concerns but i always feel a bit guilty. i am so fortunate to live here and to have all the blessings that i do. when those blessings are thrown into jeopardy on a day like today, i realize that even more. it's important to remember that life can change in an instant. i know all this stuff is so cliche and everyone is over it, but it's true. i get irritated when some things become cliche because then people stop listening. but that doesn't make them any less applicable just because they are overused. so just remember, especially this holiday season, to be thankful and quick to happiness and slow to anger. it's all about living side-by-side with those around us and livinglovinglife. because, after all, it*s a beautiful day. i wanted this item to be ambiguous because i want it to be something continuous as opposed to something to just tick off a list. so...bucket list item: help those around me see the beauty in their lives.