
ba da BA DAAAA

  1. ran some errands, met my besties for lunch, and did some chores at home. why did i come home again? oh right, for a vacation. and to see my family. but hey, it's better than spending the 4th of july holiday alone! too bad that's how i'll spend my birthday...
  2. worked a lot on my study abroad application. i'm overly eager and a planner and very organized, so naturally, everything will be turned in weeks early and after be checked and double- and triple-checked.
  3. watched quantum solace in HD and for free and it was awesome. i'm not sure if i'm a fan of HD, though. it almost seems too realistic. like, hard-to-believe real as opposed to movie-screen real. 
watching the bond movie made me think about the government. and the night before the 4th of july seems to be an appropriate time to talk about the government. according to interesting new research, the original draft of the declaration of independence used the word "subjects," written by thomas jefferson. he then erased the word using his thumb while the ink was still wet. perhaps he felt that it wasn't a fitting word choice. maybe john adams or benjamin franklin edited the draft after he wrote it and put "w.c." next to the "subjects." anyway, our government was formed by rebels and hell-raisers and pissed off british subjects. i think that is such an intriguing way to start a history, don't you? and now, where are we? did the people living back then have any idea of what really happened in government? the elite and intellectual few ran the country and didn't worry the public about silly affairs of the state. you'll have a hard time convincing me that anything has changed. yes, the electing public is more educated and aware (kind of) and there are laws and ethical practices that people in power have to abide by (supposedly). but i still can't help but think that i have NO IDEA what is really happening in government. the secrets must be overwhelming. the responsibility and the enormity of the job would truly be back-breaking. but someone's got to do it! no, not you, georgie. sorry, but the americans have had enough of you after eight years of hell. i can't believe that a little less than half of my life was spent under your leadership. how tragic for my reputation. but hey, the first time i voted, mr. obama was elected. now that is something to be proud of.


cop out

  1. woke up in my home bed and it was a wonderful feeling. although the bed where i am living this summer is a full and my bed at home is a twin so it felt kind of small for the first time in my life!
  2. ran some errands in town and had lunch with a friend. i am not in town but for a few days so i can't see many people. but that's fine, i mainly want to stick around my family and boyfriend and close friends anyway. 
  3. had the boyfriend over for dinner and watched (kind of...i really slept) through the replay of the netherlands vs. brazil game. it sounded exciting from what i remember. 
i watched the stars tonight and they are so beautiful where i live. there were so many out and i could even see the milky way. i miss seeing stars. they remind me of my future and all i want to accomplish in my lifetime. they also remind me to take care of the planet. it's such a freak of nature that humans are even on a planet that can sustain life and it's sad to think about all the ways we are destroying that planet. but maybe we will learn...i hope soon...



  1. basically all i did today was drive. a long, long way. but now i am home and so happy to be here!
  2. i ate lunch at taco bell? 
  3. and i didn't get lost once. 
such an exciting day, i know. but it was great driving the road home and it's so wonderful to be back in this house. i love my house! and my family and my mountains and my kitty. seeing friends and boyfriend tomorrow, and then more friends this weekend and the celebrating the 4th of july on sunday with all the family! can't wait. i'm pretty sad that i have to leave on tuesday. but i decided to leave my internship early and come home about a week sooner in august than i was planning previously. it's great to be home. living far away really makes me appreciate it--i don't know how some kids go to college in such far away places. glad i'm not one of them!



  1. worked today and went to a pre-practicum class for the grad students who are entering their second year. basically, the class teaches people how to be therapists. interesting stuff!
  2. finished up season four of sex and the city and had a small dinner over conversations with the new roommate.
  3. packed and got directions for my trip back home tomorrow. i cannot wait to be home!!!
quickie post tonight--must get to bed and get some sleep for the long drive! and i put off blogging because i had stuff to do and blogging is usually always put off. plus, a semi-boring day anyway. but i hope i make it safely! i'm definitely nervous, but let's hope the driving gods and God are on my side. and let's hope i don't run into this!


confidence vs. cockiness

  1. a busy day in the lab and a semi-exciting one too. the professor i'm working for and the lab team i'm working with are both really doing their best to make my summer worthwhile. i believe at the end of this summer i will have several thank you notes to write (perhaps i should start a list now...).
  2. gave myself a pedicure today. sparkly red polish to match the upcoming holiday. i'm going home for the 4th of july and can't wait to see my family/mountains/boyfriend/friends/kitty.
  3. onto sex and the city season three! i love aiden! yay! too bad i know how this whole series really ends up...with her marrying big and then kissing aiden and then staying with big. bummer!
ego--what's the deal? i mean, i get being confident, but why the need to be an asshole? and the only thing conceiving this post is the tv show chopped, no interpersonal life crisis. anyway, some people are so egotistical and arrogant. trust me, i've had my fair share of those guys (and girls) in my life. still do, for that matter. but i'm not saying that i'm not an ego maniac sometimes, especially when my ego is bruised. but i've also always seen excessive ego as a defense mechanism for low self-esteem (or something psychological like that). i always get the most testy and arrogant when i'm feeling either really legitimately proud of something i've done or really bruised from something not-so-good that i did. but some people just have over-reactive egos! like, get over yourself already! maybe if you didn't have such a massive ego then doing poorly every now and then wouldn't come as such a shock. everyone screws up sometimes. but don't whine about it and just get back up and get back to life. while i'm writing this, i am (obv) thinking of samantha from sex and the city. talk about ego. then again, girl can back it up. and she can also accept defeat and loss of dignity (on those rare occasions when things happen to her). okay...that's not entirely true. she fights and doesn't take shit from people, but after all of that, she can still take a punch to the ego every now and then. unlike this chef on chopped! don't put all your eggs in one basket.


bueller? bueller? anyone? anyone?

  1. WOW no one comments on my blog anymore.
  2. headache. too much sex and the city, not enough sleep. 
  3. long day tomorrow, thankfully, and hopefully a gym visit that is not as crowded with "tanning salon" barbie clones and scowling juiceheads who don't share equipment. 
do i love this place? eh, wouldn't go that far. i think part of me would fit into new york city for awhile. i can be cynical and sarcastic and critical and a fashionista with the best of them! i could never last though; i'm way too much of a country girl to make that happen. but really, i should get some sleep. long day and longer one tomorrow. it would be fun, though, to live there just for a summer...or just for graduate school...



  1. breakfast with my family friends, walk around the lake (tallahassee water retention center?), and relaxing day with sex and the city. 
  2. went to the gym and got hated on by some juiceheads and then hit on by a guy who didn't have much to say. i thought headphones were enough to clue people in to my serious workout routine, but maybe a shirt that says "speak nicely or be able to run fast" would be a better option. 
  3. talked more with the girl who lives in the apartment with me now. she is really nice and we get along and have a few things in common. example: neither of us have veins.
procrastination is still the name of the game. now, i'm putting off bedtime to watch sex and the city! and i put off blogging to...watch sex and the city! oh well, the addiction will still be over. and i have to get up somewhat early so i'm still getting to bed at a decent hour. of course, i'm team aiden, but how can i also not be team big? it is possible to be...well...too nice *cue memories of earlier conversation with new roommate*. and really, her and big were meant to be together. they both kind of annoy me. i like samantha the best because she's the funniest. miranda is just awkward and whiney, and charlotte is the definition of too sweet, but so endearing and eager. but hey, i like them all and their conversations over lunch or cocktails are my favorite parts of the show. and to think, it was written by a guy*. anyway, i should stop ignoring the male readers. oh, pish posh. maybe they should watch a few episodes--it could do most men on this planet some good to see things from a female perspective.
bucket list item that was so anticipated: complete (not "compete") a mini-triathalon. oh god. there, i said it.

*allegedly gay, which would make a lot more sense.