
christmas love

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! it's my absolute favorite day of the whole year!!! could not be happier. had a drama-filled day travel-wise but it was wonderful other than that. love my family and love my home and love my gifts and love my everything. 
  2. this is a pretty cool video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reMq5fM874k
  3. hope everyone else had an amazing christmas as well. it is truly my favorite time of the year for so many reasons.
did i mention i love christmas? also, might as well get started on my one-liner tradition. no better night to start than now! i had such a good day and i am so happy so it's time to go be thankful for all i have. merry christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!


a child is born

  1. it's christmas eve!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!
  2. got to talk to my boyfriend : ), had a delicious lunch and then went to my grandparents' for christmas part one and then to church! love the christmas eve service; it's always been my favorite!
  3. watched a christmas carol, continuing with tradition, and it was wonderful as always. 
i hope everyone had a great christmas eve and has an even better christmas day! it's my FAVORITE day of the WHOLE year. can't wait! merry christmas to all, and to all a good night! and...god bless us all, everyone. keep it in your heart why we are celebrating this beautiful time of year. remember those less fortunate than you and keep all in your prayers and thoughts. do all you can to help and to spread good cheer. focus on the important things and keep a smile on all day. love and merry christmas eve all around!


swan queen & christmas eve

  1. such a long day today! i was in town for over 12 hours. had my car worked on, went to lunch, saw my sister, ate with the family, went to see black swan!
  2. seeing my friend for lunch was so great! he has been in spain all semester and i missed him oh so much. we got to talk and catch up and have fun and it was really nice. boyfriend is up next.
  3. can't wait for christmas eve tomorrow! my favorite holiday is about to be upon us!!! love love love.
black swan was such a creepy movie. it (apparently...didn't know this before i saw it...) is the story of a ballerina's struggle with herself and with reality. she is playing the part of the black swan and the white swan in an interpretation of swan lake and is too goody goody to be able to play the black swan believably but is perfect for the white swan role. she goes crazy trying to be perfect but at the same time not perfect. good movie but has some debatable elements. more importantly, tomorrow is christmas eve. YAY! but really, it was a good movie and has a beautiful score and was wonderfully filmed. i definitely recommend it. and apparently true grit is a great movie as well, so i'll go ahead and recommend that for anyone not interested in a ballet movie.


even the penguins

  1. shew! been awhile since i've blogged i feel like, but that's just because i posted early yesterday. 
  2. last night was fun! it was nice being in the big cabin and going ice skating today and being with old friends. we are all different now, but still get along well.
  3. i have such a busy day tomorrow! but i am excited. it is also a long day, so i need to get to bed soon.
just some thoughts...hypocrisy. tolerance. logic. those are my three words that i think are important to remember. i am over the hypocrisy. it is infuriating and petty. logic is so important. not using logic is a surefire way to make me angry and it's also completely nonsensical (clearly...) so i don't understand why some people can't see logic. but that brings me, very appropriately, to tolerance. this is something we ALL need to practice and that means me too. i have to be understanding and tolerant and open to possibility. so that's that.


big day!

  1. i am not bringing my computer tonight, and even if i did i am not sure i would have internet. so i am blogging now! earliest blog post ever? maybe...i'll have to go back and check in 10 days. 
  2. got my haircut today, thank the lord. it still looks a little post-haircut unsettled but i think i'll like it once i give it a few days. didn't have time to get my car washed/detailed since i was meeting yayas for lunch. 
  3. leaving soon for an overnight with my friends for a 21st birthday party! whoo hoo! 
i am trying to take this all one day at a time. the time leading up to christmas always seems to pass so slowly! but i know that i will look back in a few weeks and it will all seem like the blink of an eye. hope everyone is enjoying their break so far and that people get to spend time with those they love over the holidays! i have to finish up packing before i leave so this is it for now!



  1. lunar eclipse tonight! should be pretty cool if the cloud cover isn't too much. it'll be freezing though. oh well...hopefully it's a nice christmas-y red.
  2. had a pretty busy day today but not busy enough! i want the time to fly. hopefully starting tomorrow, the countdown to christmas will go by super quickly! and then the countdown continues. 
  3. love actually quotes: "we're here!" "i hate uncle jamie!" "let's go get the shit kicked out of us by love!" those are my top favorites.
i wish i could just stop this right now. i don't really have stuff to say that i haven't said already in the past 350 some odd days (i don't do math). i'm bored of this by now and i'm sure the few people who read it are bored too. but i will keep going and maybe you will keep reading and we can all be bored together. it just seems like i have said everything i can say. and the holiday season is all full of happy and shiny things anyway, which i have certainly blogged enough about. basically all that is left is for me to reflect on the year this has been and re-read all my posts. there only 11 short days until i blog my last post (for this blog, anyway) but it seems such so much longer than that. what am i possibly going to say for eleven more posts? i don't have funny or witty things to blog about anymore. all my deep and/or sad posts seem to have been written already too. perhaps after tonight's lunar eclipse i will have some spark of inspiration to write about the wonders of the universe and the mysteries of light and shadow. but thinking about it, i feel as if i have written that post before. it is all so much closer than i think and i know i will wake up and 2010 will be over. i am actually feeling bittersweet about it. it's been such a great year...how can 2011 top it? then again, to think that 2010 is the best year and all are downhill from here is a bit unrealistic and also a bit too pessimistic (because...what if it is true?). but i am banking on 2011 at least being really fun...but i have a bit of an ominous feeling about that year. perhaps it is because i am wary of...things right now. i am sure 2011 will start to look up right as 2010 is leaving me (you cruel lover). but i am waking up in just a few hours to witness this miracle of nature, cloud permitting, and must get to bed so i can get a third of my sleep now and two-thirds after.


just want to sleep

  1. such a long day. and tiring. church was early this morning and then training was frustrating. then the funeral at two. that was really hard. then the family christmas party which was really fun. 
  2. i'm just ready for bed. i figure the earlier i go to bed, the quicker the days will go by. i feel guilty for wanting them to go by but i'm just so ready for it to be over. 
  3. i can't wait for christmas. unless i do interesting things on the days leading up to christmas, this will probably be one of these three things i list up until then. christmas eve, christmas day, new year's eve, new year's day, january second. 
i think tonight it's important to talk about support. i am so grateful for the support system i have. it's been a tough but great year and i'm thankful to be getting through it unscathed (knock on wood...refer back to superstitious post if necessary). i hope these final few weeks end on a high note and we all enter the new year safe and happy and ready for a new beginning. so tonight my bucket list item is random but a good one (for me). make sure that i make some sort of new year's resolution EVERY year. and stick to it.