
christmas is coming!

  1. had a good day decorating the tree, going to the gym, watching football, and being with my family! i love christmas.
  2. i also did some christmas shopping...YAY! that is one of my favorite parts about christmas--giving presents.
  3. my good day was broken up with homework, unfortunately. but i am making headway on my presentation.
not much to talk about tonight. i am waiting for the stress of these last few weeks of school to finish up before i can get back to relaxing and hopefully blogging about better topics! i am most excited about the $50 i spent today and i can't wait to make it worthwhile. side note: not my tree, but a picture of my grandmother's tree.


snowflakes everywhere

  1. had a pretty good day today. decorated the house for christmas and listened to christmas music all day! that was my favorite part. the tree is tomorrow...
  2. visited my boyfriend's family in asheville and it was nice to see them and catch up. i can't wait to be home for christmas and spending time with my favorite family. 
  3. saw a lot of high school friends tonight and it was good to catch up. but it was so cold! i'm glad it's finally getting wintery, but that needs to happen at school now too.
i am so excited for winter!!! it is one of  my favorite seasons (they are all my favorite) and i am ready for a good one this year. it needs to snow ALOT (that would be such a good one...) and it needs to be cold and look wintery and snowy. i hope that we have an even better winter this year than last! and it needs to snow at college and not just here at home.


giving thanks

  1. how do i always manage to eat so much food?! it was such a good day. filled with family and food and drink and fun. 
  2. decorating the house for christmas tomorrow, and then decorating the tree on saturday. the house is about to be full of christmas-y goodness!
  3. i still have this feeling looming over my head that i need to work on my presentation. it's due on monday at 3 pm and i have barely started. it is definitely a cause for concern.
i am full of thanks (especially, but certainly not exclusively) on this day for so much! i am happy to have my health and my full ability to enjoy this holiday season. i am thankful for my favorite family and that they are all in good health as well. my friends, who i have become close with over the past year, have made my life happier and funnier. i am thankful for my boyfriend and that we have persevered. i am so thankful for where i live and how beautiful it is here! and that i go to a great school and am studying what i love and meeting so many people. i am thankful that i live in a fortunate country and enjoy so many rights. i am thankful for so much in my life and want to remember to remember all of this every day. thanksgiving is a day to feel extra grateful for all that is in my life. hope everyone had a great day! oh, and i am thankful that i am not going to black friday tomorrow.


pumpkin pie queen

  1. had a great night's sleep and woke up to my favorite family! we got to cook and hang out and have just the four of us at dinner. it was the best. 
  2. watched bread and tulips for my italian class and with my family and it was a cute movie. did some other homework but it wasn't a big deal, thankfully. 
  3. tomorrow is thanksgiving and i am so excited! can't wait to see my family and to eat yummy food and be extra thankful for everyone and everything in my life right now.
tomorrow is my thanksgiving post! i just realized how few days are left in this year. 2010 seemed to have flown by but it also went really slow. i am glad that it didn't go as quickly as some other years...this has been a great year for me so far. and it's the holiday season! could not be happier or more excited. "it's the most wonderful time of the year..."


must. sleep.

  1. had a long day today. finished my draft and posted it on blackboard, showered and got ready for class, gave my presentation on heart of darkness, and said hello to thanksgiving break!
  2. had a good dinner with friends before heading to the basketball game with my dad. it was a good game for both sides but we still managed to pull out a pretty solid win. 
  3. then...drove home for four hours. well, rode for about 4 and then drove for another half hour. we got back pretty late and i am really tired now. so happy not to have an alarm clock in the a.m.
needless to say, it is not a blogging night. but i thought this was pretty cool, so i'm sharing the link.



  1. had two classes today but they weren't bad at all. also had an interview for a new lab position and it went well, but i don't know if i'll accept the position.
  2. wrote my paper all day and am almost finished. will finish it tomorrow before 2 pm!
  3. packing comes next, then my last class, and then the basketball game!
don't feel like blogging tonight. hope everyone had a great monday.


countdown to zero

  1. after 6 comes 5 and then 4 and then 3 and then 2 and then 1 and then 0. i can do this! 
  2. had a long day of homework prep and laundry and odds and ends to sort through, as well as getting ready for tomorrow: updating/editing my CV, writing/formatting a cover letter, and getting an unofficial transcript together. 
  3. took a break for dinner and to watch the grey's episode from last thursday night. also, figured out a good way of stopping procrastination: log out of facebook. that way, when i tried to check facebook, i had to log on and that prevented me from actually logging on and procrastinating. 
i have had extreme writer's block today. this crosses over into the blogging realm as well. it's been one of those days. tomorrow better be one of the days when i can write a draft of a ten page paper, piece of cake. it's not due until 2 pm on tuesday, and i have between 11-3 and after 6 tomorrow, and all day before 2 pm tuesday to finish it. so. that is my hope! i have the articles too, and it only has to be a draft, as opposed to a final paper (that's not due until december 7th). yes, this is me rationalizing. oh well...college is characterized by rationalization of procrastination. hope that things fall into place tomorrow, although today was not a wash by any means. just not the day that i intended it to be...but c'est la vie. i need to learn how to say that in italian. c'e vita! i think that is right...the e needs an accent though. okay, no more rambling. only productive writing from here on out!
bucket list item: eat sushi.