

  1. the title of this blog is for my ladies. good times.
  2. i am happy that my parents landed safely from their spring break trip. i get nervous when anyone in my family travels. 
  3. went to the mall today. why is the mall so much fun? i'm old enough that it shouldn't but fun, but it still is. 
protection: it's how i live my life. i am all about la familia. this post is for my friends and my family. mess with them and i will mess with you. they are my life. there is nothing i wouldn't do for them. no matter what, they are my life. if you are in my group, i will protect you and i will...f"**k you up if you ever hurt my people. i just love too fiercely and am too loyal to take anything less than that.



  1. registered for fall classes today! it's so exciting that i'm going to be a junior! and i got most of the classes that i want, but also didn't get a lot of the ones i did want. oh well, it's a give and take. 
  2. apparently, though, i'm too OLD to get into italian 101--it's reserved for freshmen. what. the. hell. guess i missed the boat on that one...? lame.
  3. went to relay for life for a few hours. it's cool to see the survivor lap in the beginning; a lot of people were crying and it made me really grateful and nostalgic. 
my title is in reference to the security message i was asked to type in when i wanted to comment on another blog. i thought it was really funny. it's not relevant to my blog at all. but i feel myself slipping back. that's all for tonight. and this is for my girl! mia, freshmen year, good times...


good times

  1. classes most of the day--slept in to get some sleep to try and get over my illness. it semi-worked.
  2. went to a cocktail tonight for my boyfriend's tour guide group that he's in; it was pretty fun and i got to dress up!
  3. ladies' night at the bar in town. it was all my favorite girls and so much fun!
tonight is one of those nights i really don't want to blog. so, i'm not going to. nothing is more precious to me right now than sleep and dreaming and getting better. so that's what's on the schedule for tonight! i want everyone who is reading this to forgive me, please, for a lacking post. sometimes, it just happens. but hey, at least i'm still posting...


C being committed

  1. woke up SO early today and went to do data collection for the lab i'm in--that was not fun--and it was cold. speaking of cold, i'm pretty sure i have one...in the middle of april...
  2. i signed my lease for this summer! i'm SO excited!!!
  3. tomorrow is going to be a very long day, so i'm blogging early and going to bed. almost my favorite place on this campus...
so, commitments. i have a major commitment to my blog. i blog every day, regardless of how tired or upset or happy or busy i am. i'm not gonna lie, it's been hard. like right now, when i feel like crap, i'm still blogging. but that's not the type of commitment i meant yesterday when i said i wanted to talk about them. i have a commitment to my future and a commitment to my labs. but when those commitments interfere with my personal life, how do i deal with that? there are certain things i want out of my life, obvious things like friendship and happiness (and many more things). but i also want professional greatness (what i define as greatness) and to be fulfilled in all ways. to flourish, essentially. but my commitments are conflicting right now. my commitment to friendship and the possibilities of friendship are being tested by the commitment i have to my lab, to my future plans, and to my professional self. so where to go from here? i am not sure. i remember from my AP psych class a term "cognitive dissonance." look it up, if you care to know more. anyway, i'm done for the night. still really confused about this topic and also about how much i can say on this blog.



  1. i just ate a 14" pizza, a small cup of ben & jerry's ice cream, and am still alive and well. massive props to me!
  2. classes today weren't that bad, actually. my break in between classes has become really nice too since i dropped that class awhile ago. 
  3. blogging so early tonight because i am getting sick/allergic and feel not-so-good. benadryl, here i come...
me=so excited for summer! i am about to sign the lease (keep your fingers crossed) and can't wait to live on my own! or at least, not live with anyone i know. i hope i can get a job! and work and make money to offset some of the cost for this summer. and i'm excited to make progress in my career. short post tonight, but i feel really full and stuffed up. finishing up watching chopped on food network (best show ever) and then going to sleep! early morning tomorrow. i think tomorrow night i will talk about...commitments.


getting there

  1. no classes today! i am trying to say this as much as possible before the semester ends and i can't say it again, since i will not have four day weekend and two days of class in the fall. boo!
  2. got a lot of work done between yesterday and today, but still not quite caught up. that's what my break between classes tomorrow is for, though, right?
  3. i realized that there are three weeks and three days left in my spring semester. yes..but where has all the time gone? (slight pirates of the caribbean reference)
picking up on the thread of me realizing that my spring semester, WHERE IS 2010 GOING?! this is my 103 blog post. that's a lot of day! almost 1/3 of the year! holy moly!!! where is my life going?! okay, minor freak out session over. but really, i register on friday for my junior year fall semester classes. NO WAY AM I ABOUT TO BE A JUNIOR IN COLLEGE. that is not even possible! okay, so i'm still freaking out. this summer is fast (warp speed) approaching and i don't even know how to deal with it. so much in my life is about to change and i have no way to control that. well, i always have a choice i suppose (according to my friend's dad), but do i really? my life will just happen with no regards to me anyway, so i might as well just accept the changes...right? yeesh. exam week will be here any second, and then summer, and then fall semester, and then december 31st and all this will be over. that is sad, yes kind of a relief. i feel this slight pressure to perform because of this blog. whether or not people actually read it doesn't really matter anymore...it's about me keeping my commitment to myself. following through with this will be the biggest new year's resolution i've ever kept (maybe the only one) and i think that's pretty exciting. okay, back to me freaking out. now that all this is happening and i am realizing that my semester is almost over, i'm suddenly wanting to slam on the breaks and live out my last weeks in slow and peaceful sunshiney bliss. not possible, but still unfortunate. i am still incredibly stoked for summer 2010 (i hope it doesn't let me down...), but i am getting a little nervous honestly. just a little. the "a lot nervous" will come closer to the date i move, most likely. anyway, time is flying and i'm standing still, so i better get my butt in gear and catch up!



  1. i wrote a ten page paper in 8 hours today and it was awesome. okay, it wasn't that fun to write but it was interesting and seemed to go pretty smoothly. 
  2. ate a delicious subway sandwich today. i don't even know what made it so good, but it was just right. 
  3. my throat is starting to get scratchy and there are two possible culprits: pollen and no sleep. 
so i've found a new thing: www.polyvore.com. please, see my fashion mistakes post for a framework to understand my new found affinity for this site. it's like i get to shop for and make outfits out of ANYTHING on the internet that i want. let that sink in...any item on the internet i can "clip to polyvore" and make a "set" with it. basically, i online shop (something i'm really good at) and make outfits out of the clothes and accessories i find (something i wish i could do for a living). i love fashion and i love to imagine that i have a limitless supply of money to make the ultra chic outfits that i dream about. alas, i am a college girl just pretending i can afford everything in my set. my obsession with bakelite jewelry is the basis for all my sets; i use bakelite in every fashion set i make. i think it's a really cool and fitting idea that my aunt suggested and my grandmother fostered (many thanks, YaYas). so basically, my name is BakeliteQueen on the website and you (yes, you!) should go and check out/like/comment on my sets. my mother and sister and father (everyone, actually) is concerned that it will become an addiction, but i am no where near that level yet (like some other "polywhores...). it's just a fun way to distract myself and be creative.

bucket list item is fashion-themed tonight: be a pro-bono personal stylist/shopper for those who ask for/need my help.