

  1. not too tired but getting to sleep pretty early tonight anyway. big day tomorrow!
  2. had a good day today helping my boyfriend pack and running errands and eating lunch. said goodbye to my other good friend who is going on the same study abroad trip! sad times. 
  3. had a yummy dinner, a good family chat, and watched the shallow seas episode of planet earth in hd--baller picture and sound quality. 
again, i'm being boring. perhaps tomorrow i will talk about...goodbyes? yes, that will be fitting (very fitting). i also want to do a post about katrina. lots to say on that subject...but for now, just another early night. hope everyone is doing just as well as i am right now!


the blessed power of

  1. went back home today. my boyfriend drove my car and he came over for dinner. planet earth watching with the parents after that! i love the glacier one.
  2. i'm so tired. 
  3. my class schedule is still not working out...frustration. 
i need to sleep. i think some mental healing is definitely in order. it also feels good to be home. i know that i will stay busy in college, though, which is ideal. but sleep is in order and then comes the next step.


working my way there

  1. morning class that i really like and then my afternoon class was canceled! already! she is in new york for a conference or something. it was very nice! 
  2. added a new class today--it fills a requirement and should be pretty interesting...it's also with a professor i had last fall and really enjoyed. 
  3. had a fun night with friends! my boyfriend said goodbye to all his college friends today. but the night was well spent.
tonight has been an interesting night. the days are winding down. but i'm feeling very happy and very comfortable and very ready. much more calm than i thought i would feel. you know, being a junior and all. but i can handle this! just one more class to tackle with and hopefully i'll be home free...and with only 15 instead of 18 hours.


    stupid people.

    1. only one class today...hopefully i'll get into it! i really need italian 101, since i want to study abroad in the spring. 
    2. spent the rest of the day in meetings for my psych labs and buying a few more books. 
    3. had a relaxing evening doing some homework and then went out to a delicious dinner with my boyfriend. 
    there was quite the incident at dinner this evening. well, two things actually. my boyfriend is allergic to dairy so he can't have any cheese/butter/milk/cream/etc. he told the waitress this when he ordered his meal (a vegan pasta dish) and she said she'd take care of it. when we received our food, his had mozzarella cheese on top as a garnish. he explained again about the dairy allergy and she apologized and comped the meal (so i got it for free!) and sent him a new plate of food. then, sort of like during our whole dinner, there was this loud group of college age kids eating at this relatively upscale italian restaurant. there was an issue apparently with the food for one of the girls and she talked with the waitress about it (both seemed pretty upset). then, the cook came out (crazy italian guy) and started to get in an argument with the girl; he ended the conversation by saying, "you can sue me if you want to." so, we later asked the same waitress what happened and she said the girl complained that there were not enough vegetables in here dish (which was a sausage dish) after eating the entire plate of food! she wanted her meal for free. absolutely RIDICULOUS. there are so many rude people in this world! she obviously just wanted her food for free and expected him to give it to her. well, she messed with the wrong chef! he refused and she did not get her way. spending a lot of my working life in a restaurant, i can attest to the idiocy and slovenliness that accompanies some customers. UGH. so, that's my blog post for tonight--a rant about restaurants.


    "back on my feet again"

    1. woke up early and showered and got ready for class! rushed to the bus but made it, thankfully. liked my first class a lot, was totally lost/confused in my second class (soon to be dropped), and think my last class will be relatively easy. 
    2. had orientation for work today. it seems to be kind of disorganized, like every restaurant, but it seems like it will be a fun place to work.
    3. had a birthday dinner for a friend and also baked a cake for him! fun times with friends. 
    don't feel like blogging much tonight. i'm having a good time hanging out with my friends and getting into the swing of classes, so i'm not focused on my blog right now. but soon, i will return with full force! talk soon (like tomorrow), xoxo...


    day 1.

    1. woke up kinda late but had a productive day all the same! 
    2. ate lunch, bought some textbooks, and got a job as a server! i'm excited. i have an orientation session tomorrow and then set up a training schedule. 
    3. roaches are slowly taking over the apartment. IT IS WAR. 
    i love college! living in an apartment makes me feel like i'm not even in college. living off campus and not going on campus except for class will be weird. making and eating my own food is a nice feeling! i love playing house...so far. i'm sure paying bills and dealing with ROACHES will not be that fun. but classes start tomorrow. we'll see how they go; i still have a few more books to buy. the one i'm most excited for is on monday night! i hope that's not a let down.



    1. slept in today but then woke up and made pancakes for my friends. 
    2. did a lot of unpacking. must take pictures tomorrow! 
    3. my roommate moved in today!!! yay. 
    something productive. HAHAHA.