
time for break.

  1. had our football game today and it was such a heartbreaking loss. there was a lot of excitement and we were winning for most of it but it didn't end well. it was a close game, but still. 
  2. came back and wanted to be productive but i just couldn't. it is so hard to do work on a saturday afternoon...especially when it involves writing a long paper and i have no idea for where to start. 
  3. watching shrek 2 now, so there went my hope for nighttime productivity. oh well. i hope that tonight is fun to make up for last night. 
i'm ready for thanksgiving break. i am ready for christmas break, actually, because i'd like to have a real break with no homework involved. in between semesters is the best time of the year, but in between fall and spring is even better because it's CHRISTMAS and then NEW YEAR'S! what on earth is my new resolution going to be?! like i've said before, something much more lax than this year. i still can't believe that i am (so far) keeping up with the resolution and the blogging. but break is almost here, and then a full week of classes, then three days of classes and then exams and then HOME. can't wait!



  1. had a pretty productive day today. i was so tired for the first part of it until i got to take a three hour recovery nap. definitely necessary. 
  2. did lots of homework and such since i have a lot of work to do this weekend...such a bummer, but thanksgiving break starts tuesday!
  3. had an okay night out with friends and i'm ready for the last home football game tomorrow. i just hope we win!
don't feel much like blogging tonight. still pretty tired and also in a weird mood. but harry potter lived up to expectations and was absolutely amazing. i can't wait to see it again, and also can't wait until july 15th!



  2. i had three classes today and they were interminable. it took so long to get through this day. 
  3. thanksgiving dinner was a grand success! it was so good and everyone loved it. 
i haven't seen it yet because i am blogging before the movie. but i might edit this post after and comment on the awesomeness of it all. CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT CAN'T WAIT.


harry potter, harry harry potter yeah.

  1. had italian class today and a meeting at noon but no participants to run, so it was a good day. got to walk back in sunshiney and fall weather. beautiful day!
  2. went to the grocery store in prep for thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. so excited! i have lots of cooking to do tomorrow after classes are over. 
  3. boxing club tonight was such a hard workout. we didn't even stay for technique because we had wands out wednesday. a.k.a. watching the sixth harry potter movie with all my friends and having refreshments. 
"this memory is everything, without it, we are blind." i think this is an interesting quote from the half blood prince movie. it's applicable to the rest of life. memory is a fascinating subject that people rely on too much. it's tricky and unreliable. but it is important to remember our past and our collective past, and apply those lessons to how we live our life in the day-to-day. just my bit of harry potter reflection, i suppose. can't wait until tomorrow night! and yes, draco is hot.


is it thursday yet?!

  1. my morning class was canceled so i got to stay up late last night watching food network with the roommate and then sleep in this morning. it was raining today but it was also really muggy so i wore shorts...on november 16th--whatthehell. 
  2. had a good class talking about precious and push but then got to my next english class and found out that my teacher has peaced out. she left the english department unannounced and is not responding to contact from the department and no one knows what to do. a weird, nerve-wracking situation for everyone.
  3. did some more reading (heart of darkness) for homework, watched chopped with my roommate, and hung out for a bit. bedtime soon, though...i hope i can sleep well tonight. i am TOO excited for thursday!
i'm watching 16 & pregnant right now and it is shocking. i have seen this show a few times before and every time it just makes in crazy. 16 is so young to have a kid. if these kids can't even make the decision to wear a condom then how are they going to make the right decisions to raise a kid?! it's incredible. it breaks my heart, too, mostly for these girls. their men are shitty. they are 16 and having a kid. that blows my mind. the day i turned 16 i went to the fair at my church, worked at the restaurant, and came home to my car parked in the driveway. i was most excited about being able to drive. i can't imagine being that age and having a kid. i don't know how young mothers do it. do they have any idea what they have gotten into?  no. i don't even know really, but i know it's really hard and (that is an understatement) and impossible to know about until it happens. there is just no way that people these days are mature enough to have a kid that young. no. way. it's a depressing show and that is why i rarely watch it.


the road so far

  1. my italian quiz today was kind of hard, but not too bad. i'll probably find out my grade before thanksgiving, so i hope it's good.
  2. worked in the lab for a little bit, did some more homework (i like being ahead on work) and went to genocide class. i have an A for 60% of my grade--that is encouraging!
  3. class got out early so i got back to the apartment early, then did some more homework (reading heart of darkness) and went to boxing. it was short tonight but still pretty hard. 
i am excited for this year to end. i am ready to go back and read all my blog posts and have a final blog post that closes out this whole year. it's been quite a year so far. and there are still several weeks to go! so much has happened, haha. but it's been a great roller coaster. it's been hard but it's also been worth it. i needed a challenge this year. i pray that things turn out well for the rest of the year and that i have a lot to talk about by the end of it all. can't wait to sign off. but i also want to keep a journal...just not online, haha. so we'll see what these last few weeks bring and how i end up feeling about all of this 2010 madness. i can remember the first few days of the year. how far i have come since then!


marathons are the best

  1. woke up at a semi-decent hour, did some homework outside, cleaned and washed my sheets, and watched harry potter 5! i looked forward to it all day. 
  2. have an italian quiz in the morning and then have time to do research for my history presentation in three weeks. might as well start early. 
  3. most importantly: i bought my harry potter 7 ticket for thursday night (friday morning). I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
the representation of the harry potter books in movies can be frustrating. while it is hard to watch a movie after knowing the book like the back of your hand and loving it more than is probably healthy, i have always thought that a movie should be appreciated for what it is--an interpretation. the movie is not intended to be a verbatim portrayal of the book, rather, the book is a source of inspiration for movie makers to bring the book world alive. books are clearly my favorite medium, but the movies have a place too. even if the depiction is not exact (it never is) and it can be upsetting when one visualizes the book world much differently than how it is shown in the movie, i still think the movies need to be appreciated. both books and movies are works of art that open our eyes to new worlds, just in different ways. now, with all that said, i do get frustrated when movie versions of books are really bad. but i think the harry potter movies and the lord of the rings movies (as examples) are excellent versions of the books. so that is my take on it. like i said, can't wait for part 1 of the 7th movie! it's going to be insane. and awesome. bucket list item: own all seven books (done) and all seven movies (own through six now) and have a week where i read them all and watch them all. YES.