

  1. went to a pool party for a few hours and met some fun people. yes, that's right, i met people!
  2. baked cookies for the dinner that i was invited to tonight by family friends. their little girl is so adorable!
  3. fell asleep watching house. yes, you heard me. i fell asleep watching house. 
that led to some worry and some freak out, but all is well now. i apologize for the freak out but i lock the doors in my apartment and to my bedroom, so unless someone breaks the glass (which trust me, i'm afraid of that too) i'll be fine. it's interesting because last night the family i was with talked about safety in this area and crime rates and stuff like that. they said the incidence of muggings and robbing by gun and rape were pretty high, but that is expected in a college town. i was like, say what? my college town is pretty safe. or at least i think it is, but i'm sure there is a lot that i don't know about. anyway, i'm a smart girl and i know tips and tricks for how to be safe. and while i'm smart, it also looks like i can be a bit forgetful and careless at times. my apologies, dear readers. why i watch house: for house himself (3rd from right) and for some british doctor (3rd from left)


veg head

  1. had some more work in the lab today and got a grand tour of the building. the really nice, brand new, huge building, where i now work. 
  2. finished up committed and she annoyed me some at the end of the book, just like how she did in eat, pray, love, but oh well, it was still a good read. on to the help!
  3. took a little cat nap today and i knew i shouldn't have because now i'm not tired. oh well, good thing tomorrow is saturday!
people always freak out when they find out that i am a vegetarian. not only a vegetarian, but have only had meat twice in my life, both times on accident, both times i freaked out! my mother turned vegetarian at 15 (hippie) and raised both of her daughters that way. no, my dad is not and could never be a vegetarian. i would have it no other way than to be vegetarian. it is unique, good for my health, good for the earth, and means i get to eat a lot of pasta and fish--yum! yes, let me clarify. i am a broad spectrum vegetarian. an ovo-pesco-lacto vegetarian. a pescatarian. whatever you want to call it, i eat seafood and dairy. so i'm not vegan (i eat animal products like eggs/milk/cheese/etc.) and i'm not a strict vegetarian (since i still technically eat meat). but i like it best this way. even at a steakhouse or bbq joint, i can pretty much find something to eat. it's easy to accommodate being vegetarian, especially in these times. i'm not trying to make people be vegetarian and i'm not grossed out by meat, it's just not something i'm interested in ever eating. the impact of red meat and poultry farming on the planet is enormous and i think it's selfish that people don't want to give up any sort of lifestyle to better this planet. i'm not saying give up all red meat, i'm just saying eat less. your heart will thank you too. red meat is typically pretty bad for you and not necessary for protein or minerals or vitamins, all of which are available from other, healthier sources. will my kids be vegetarian? absolutely. will my husband? probably not, it's not a big trend in the male population. at best, i suggest trying it for lent or for new year's or for the hell of it. can't believe i forgot to mention sensation salad as one of my favorite foods...and no, this is not sensation salad (at all) but it's still a yummy looking salad. mmm!


"i believe in a thing called love"

  1. had more lab stuff today. it's so nice to finally be doing stuff with my summer! i'm not one to be lazy for long periods of time (more than a few days, vacations not included).
  2. ate kashi pizza for dinner and it was so yummy! i think i'll blog soon about being vegetarian. 
  3. since i've started to work, i look forward more to the weekend! it'll be a nice break and my vacation starts on tuesday night (hopefully). 
thank you, the darkness, for the lovely song from which i pull my post title. i'm reading this book committed by the eat, pray, love lady and mainly it just makes me want to re-read that book (for the third time?) and be really jealous of her life. but the movie will come out soon (starring julia roberts, love) so that will be good. but this book raises some excellent points about matrimony and society and human nature. it's historical and funny and personal and evaluative and obvious all at the same time. what i like most about her book is that she examines marriage from all angles and gives me more hope about the institution. she also makes a virtually flawless argument for same-sex marriages. but, that is another topic. anyway, she makes marriage seem much less scary than how i see it now. and this is coming from a self-proclaimed marriage phobic, as she calls herself. i am afraid of divorce just like every other human being and i am especially afraid of it because i just don't want to deal with what i have seen people around me deal with. i couldn't imagine saying vows to someone you think you will love forever and then just ripping that bond apart over "irreconcilable differences." like, what the hell. imagine starting over after something like that. i don't know how people have the courage to do it. but her book is a pretty good and logical look at marriage and i think it's interesting to read about in this day and age where marriage has a lot of problems to contend with--same-sex, divorce, infidelity, celebrity portrayals, religious aspects, etc. anyway, it's a good read.


yeahhhh booiiiiii

  1. had my first meeting with my primary summer mentor today and it went so well!
  2. got an autographed copy of his second book with a personal message included. so. cool.
  3. went out for mexican tonight all by my lonesome. can't really say i enjoyed the experience, but it was good food. 
there is so much that happened to me today that i can't really talk about on this blog. i don't make my personal life really transparent on this blog for safety reasons (though i feel like fewer than five people read it anyway) so i can't discuss how excited i am about today! i see good things coming from this summer and it validates what i am doing so much to know that i have approval on all ends. i just hope that what i'm doing gets me to where i want to be in the end.



  1. met with the primary grad student tonight--it was a good start and made me even more ready to dive in!
  2. no pool time but started a new book anyway. committed, by elizabeth gilbert, sequel to eat, pray, love.
  3. went out tonight and it was so much fun! finally, out of the apartment.
not much to say tonight--very tired. but after my meeting tomorrow with the professor, i will have more of a grasp of what i am doing and talk more about it tomorrow night! not much substance for a picture, but here goes...it's a great new music video that is out. ask me more if you are curious...



  1. almost finished the book that i started this morning. it's like i'm going through all my books in one or two days. pretty soon i will have none left!
  2. went to the pool today but it was too sunny and too hot--i only lasted 3 hours! 
  3. i officially start tomorrow--can't wait! it's finally here, haha, i hope i'm not let down!
being in a new place is definitely scary. i don't know anyone and it's hard meeting new people. i start tomorrow and i hope like no other that there are other undergraduates in the lab. or that it wouldn't be weird for me to go out with the grad students, although that is probably not the case. i just want to be around people i know or am getting to know and be in a lively place. and i hope more than anything that this summer turns out to be a good one. it's already june and i can't imagine starting tomorrow and finding out that it was all for nothing. but those are just my worries and fears and concerns...i hope that i am wrong. big day tomorrow! it's bedtime.


it's sunday!

  1. i lose track of days so easily in the summertime.
  2. i'm almost finished with this book serena--it's great so far but doesn't compare to the female villains Cathy and Umbridge. well, not yet, but i'm not finished with the book yet, haha.
  3. watched the next foot network star premiere tonight. i would love to go on that show!
maybe that should be my bucket list item--try out for next food  network star. but i really want to accomplish everything on my bucket list from this blog and i don't know if i'd have the guts to actually do that! but maybe that's the point. hey, what is there to lose, right? bucket list item: try out for the next food network star! on another note, i'm starting to like my summer situation better and am starting full-throttle on tuesday--exciting! not much to say again tonight, except that we're more than halfway through the year--how weird! this blog is only half-over but it's also got a long way to go. xoxo, thanks for reading!