
long day.

  1. i have had the longest day ever. dealing with the car wreck and the emotions following that, then getting breakfast with friends and my sister coming over. on top of all that, it's the last day of spring break and i haven't done that much work. oh well...
  2. went to a delicious dinner with my parents and sister and had a wonderful time. i love my family, end of story. 
  3. i have to pack...at some point...and head back to school tomorrow. i'm ready to go back, but at the same time, i'm not ready at all.
so i said i would talk about new beginnings, organization, well-being, and perspective. i spent all day thursday moving my uncle into his new house, like i previously mentioned, and it made me think a lot about the relationships between organization and well-being. i spent all day cleaning and unpacking and organizing and making a house feel like a home. that did wonders for how i felt about my own abilities to do things for others, but it also helped jump start a new life for my uncle. like i've said before, i love my family more than anything and to be able to give back and make life better for someone i love...that's priceless. but after last night i have a bit more to say about perspective than i do about the other three topics. see, this happens sometimes: i plan to blog about some predetermined topic and something comes along and just completely changes what i want to talk about. c'est la vie, oui? anyway, perspective is something that has always made me think...a lot. hindsight is 20/20 and if we only knew then what we now, things would be a lot different, right? maybe. or would everything just...be the same anyway? it's very butterfly effect and counterfactual argument but it's fascinating to think about. one second can make all the difference...or can it? it's so weird to think about because we can never really know what life would be like if we had made different decisions. and i've talked about this before, but after last night it is 10x more relevant. i keep wondering "what if" but i am forced to remember that if one thing had been different, the evening could have played out very differently, or exactly the same. but to tie the two events together (all day cleaning and car wreck), they both showed me that perspective is everything. a new life can begin with simply a new way of looking at the boxes; and events can change how i view life and people in my life. 'tis a strange, yet beautiful, life, eh?


driving in cars

  1. slept so late today, it felt really good to be lazy. 
  2. did some homework, relaxed some, had a lovely evening...
  3. until i got a terrifying phone call...
so the post i promised last night is not happening tonight. i am exhausted and recovering from an extremely stressful end to my evening/start to my day. car wrecks=not fun. that's all i really have to say. no, i was not in the car wreck, but my guest for the evening was. he is fine, but shaken up. it just all brings me back to timing and "what if?" questions. i know that way of thinking isn't productive, though, so i'm trying to avoid it. anyway, the post i talked about last night will be written tomorrow. for tonight, i'm just grateful that everyone is safe.


organizing life

  1. cleaned/organized/moved my uncle into his new house for 9 hours straight today. i am a cleaning goddess. and am now in the order of st. yaya. 
  2. that's pretty much all i did today. oh, i watched the season premier of america's next top model. 
  3. seeing friends tonight. yay!
i have a lot to say, but i'm not sure how to word it yet. and i'm also in a hurry to leave. so i may save this post for tomorrow because i have all day to do nothing (except homework and sleep in). and i want to sleep on this some (actually, i just want to sleep a lot) and figure out all the thoughts in my head right now. so i'll get back to this tomorrow night. but it will be about...new beginnings, organization, well-being, and perspective. giggity.


not much, you?

  1. went snowboarding again today.
  2. went to a yummy (but slightly dangerous) indian restaurant for dinner.
  3. went to a beautiful overlook of the city outside my hometown at night.
not much to say tonight. but how about you? i recommend that everyone say what they want to say to whomever they want to say it. life is short (so short, so short) and things need to be said. so if you are reading this blog and feeling something you haven't verbalized, for whatever reason, take tomorrow to do just that.



  1. had a looong day of traveling yesterday. finally got in to the apartment at 12:30 last night and passed out. for a night of real sleep!
  2. drove back home today and did a happy jig and yelled "home, sweet home" when i got in the driveway. ran around my house and giggled and played with my kitty and smiled a lot.
  3. had delicious home-cooked food tonight--it was my uncle's birthday! and that meant red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. mmmmm...
i love to read! books are my escape. my mom read to me in the womb and i've been addicted ever since. my favorite books when i was little were "are you my mother?" "goodnight moon" "the very hungry caterpillar" "six by seuss" and lots of fairy tales, legends, and poetry. i started to love fantasy and historical fiction almost from the beginning; our bookshelves at home are filled with every imaginable title in these genres. my parents both love to read, as does my sister, and we all just read books on the weekends or at night; rarely did we have game night or movie night. and i thank books for my creativity, verbal intelligence, and imagination. my imagination...that needs to be tomorrow night's post. anyway, i love to read, even now. probably even more now, actually, since college definitely restricts my leisurely reading time. yet another reason i want to live alone: so i can read all summer, every evening and every weekend. books opened my eyes to so many new worlds and possibilities. i started to live lives that i knew weren't possible to live: as a princess, a witch, a badger, a tree, the roles are endless. and living those lives enabled me to imagine any life for myself. books strengthened my independence and gave me the freedom to picture myself doing anything. are you getting a sense as to why i love fantasy books? but historical fiction, such a different story (pun intended? yes.) because the books are framed around historical events, but fictionalized and woven to make for a fascinating story that actually could have happened (who really know, right?). it's like living in the past, which is something i can never do, but have always wanted to do. on that note, i'm going to search for new historical fiction books that i can read this summer. yay! and maybe find a new fantasy series for this summer too...


it's early

  1. so it's really early in the morning here in boulder, well, like, 10:29, but i have to blog right now because i'll be traveling all day and don't have access to a computer.
  2. i'm sad my break is ending but i'm excited to go home!
  3. i hope all my flights go well...and that i land safely and on time later tonight...
so i don't have much to say right now since i just woke up. and i've already blogged about sleep. but that's okay. i guess i can talk about new experiences. this trip, like i said a few days ago, has given me several new experiences. i flew all by myself and that was exciting/nerve wracking. any mistake i made was on my shoulders, but it also made me feel really grown up. colorado is the farthest west i've been in the continental united states (except the LAX airport for, like, an hour). it is beautiful in such a different way than the beauty i'm used to at home. and snowboarding out west has been incredible! i can't wait to come back and hit all these slopes. i'm so jealous that my friends live out here and get to do this every weekend from october-june (for a-basin, anyway). and i met so many new people and they all have such a different vibe than most other people i've met in my life. but i liked hanging out with different people and getting to experience life through boulder's eyes. as my mom told me, i have a "rocky mountain high." and now i'm about to come down from that high, but i'll remember it and i'll revisit it throughout my life. this is what i hiked yesterday...


almost there

  1. went on an amazing hike today. the scenery was beautiful (of course) and the people were fun. i just felt, like, so happy.
  2. watching the oscars right now! i love movies.
  3. i almost forgot to blog on time because the time zone difference keeps throwing me off.
i don't have much to say tonight. i feel like anything i do say will just be repeating myself from the past few nights about how happy i am in boulder and how happy i am to be on spring break. but i guess, basically, i just love my life and my friends and i'm so grateful for...everything. the good days and the bad--they're all beautiful. i knew at the beginning of this year that 2010 would treat me well, and so far i'm right. there is just one part of my life not quite where i want it to be, but i'm trying to have faith that it will all work out. it's hard. really hard. but things will work out in the end, however long the end takes to get here.

get a reading from a psychic.