
too weird.

  1. woke up this morning and did some homework (finished push and started my response for precious/push). then got ready for the football game and a good afternoon!
  2. we were winning for a little while but then just gave it away. of course. so it was an upsetting game and it was also cold and i was tired. not a fun combination. 
  3. watched harry potter with my roommate, had friends over to hang out, and had a long conversation with several friends about so many things. 
i guess i fall into the category of people being more similar than they are alike. this is probably a product of my interest in psychology and my knowledge of that field. but i have such a hard time seeing how people can be such vigorous proponents of the individual when so much of our behavior is effected by social interactions and influences. i first and foremost see humans as social animals, and then as individuals. maybe it should be the other way around...but everyone has different frames of reference for making opinions about this life. after all, c'est la vie.


hilarious post

  1. funniest night of my life. 
  2. i love college. 
  3. he stole a street sign.
i saved four lives. i ran a marathon. i ate ice cream. i love money. 555. the instant tantalizer. i whip my hur back and forth. ptuck ptcuk is braiding. she is petting. cuz we're my best friends. i tell time. evens or odds. plaid. we stole a sign. no one judge me! this is meant to be funny.



  1. really tired, have a headache, and stressed out about today and tomorrow. and buying harry potter tickets! they are all sold out at our local theater so we all have to find another one nearby.
  2. had a pretty average day. had a good dinner with old friends, though, and decided to stay in tonight and just hang out with myself. 
  3. my participant sessions for tomorrow were canceled so all i have is italian at 10 and then i can come back and do whatever i want for the rest of the day. such a great feeling.
at this point, i just want to sleep. for a long, long time. i feel bad for having boring and short posts lately, but it's kind of hard to be inspired when you are really busy and stressed. but that is not a good thing. if it is nice tomorrow, i will walk around outside and enjoy the fresh air and the day. that sounds like a refreshing idea. can't wait for someone (you, yes...you!) to share days like that with. but in the meantime, i will be alone. which is fine with me, and even preferred sometimes. oh, and i painted my toenails red today and i don't think i like it. most likely will remove the polish tomorrow and embrace the no-polish winter months.



  1. skipped my italian class today because it was just a review day and i knew that it would be really short/pointless. so i work up at the normal time and did homework for a class tomorrow, then went about my regular day. 
  2. my friend's 21st birthday was today! we had a lot of fun out at dinner with friends and then celebrating in the most appropriate manner! birthdays on wednesdays are fun. 
  3. dropped off my reimbursement form for the conference trip i went on and hopefully that check will be coming soon. 
had a pretty good day today. i even made my bed! and now i'm about to go sleep in it and i can't wait. tonight may be a stay-in-and-chill night.


cosi cosi

  1. had such a long day today, which is strange since my last class was canceled. my teacher is always ill for that class, which is fine with me, though i feel bad for her. i think she is just playing hooky all the time.
  2. caught up on all my homework and started some homework for thursday...don't have any for wednesday but that is good since i'll be reading all day to prep for thursday. 
  3. still doing stuff on my computer and trying to get it all straightened out. i'm glad that i'm figuring all this stuff out on my own. hope it keeps going well...
don't really feel like blogging tonight. there is a lot on my mind and i need to work through it before i can say anything on here. but hopefully stuff will all turn out okay. tomorrow is set to be a really good day (friend's 21st) and this weekend should be fun too. so at this point, that is what i am looking most forward to. not as good of a day as yesterday, but overall it was a decent day.


organized life.

  1. only had italian class this morning--no genocide class! and i finally went and picked up my university-issued refund checks for a nice surprise (that is set aside for spring semester costs). 
  2. did homework all day (just reading) and installed my new hard drive all by myself (thanks for directions, mister). it came with an operating system pre-loaded so that was easy, too. i put in a software request for microsoft office through the university so i hope to get that soon.
  3. made a yummy quiche for dinner, went to boxing club, and worked hard! came back and did some more computer nonsense, showered, and got ready for bed. good day!
i finally organized and unpacked all my winter clothes. there have only been boxes in my room since fall break...but i just hadn't felt in the mood to deal with it yet, and i've also been pretty busy. it felt good to get organized and to get everything in order. i like knowing that stuff is where it's supposed to be. heck, i might even make my bed in the morning and go all the way with organization. i even vacuumed my room today, and the downstairs. good day. sometimes i like to clean...weird, i know, but beneficial to whoever lives with me. i'm excited for this week and this weekend, so i hope this week goes by quickly! hope everyone else had a happy monday!



    1. so tired today--i'm not sure why. i guess i didn't sleep enough last night but i got about 8 hours with the fall back time change. oh well, that just means i get to go to bed early tonight. 
    2. genocide class is canceled for tomorrow! that means i have italian and then the rest of the day to do homework. yippee? it's basically all just reading for my classes on tuesday, so it shouldn't be too bad. 
    3. 8 weeks. not too bad...
    walked to prevent suicide today. it was a three mile walk and it went well. there were a lot of people and we all raised a lot of money. the main goal of the walk is to raise awareness for suicide prevention, but the money that is raised goes to funding grants for research on suicide and prevention. i think i may be getting sick, or it could just be the season changes. but i've had a scratchy throat and been dehydrated lately despite all the water i drink. so i think my body is working hard to fight something. perhaps that's why i'm tired...good thing i'm about to drink so oj, take my vitamins, and go to bed.
    bucket list item: follow all the bucket list items on my bucket list.