

  1. spent most of my day outside reading for classes tomorrow. it was beautifully sunny and lively and relaxing. 
  2. missed america's next top model for a meeting--yeah, i'm pretty upset about it.
  3. i am excited to register for fall classes! i have no direction that i need to go in really, it's all about the classes that i want to take. that's an exciting feeling.
it's pretty interesting to me that new moore island in the bay of bengal has completely disappeared. india and bangladesh had been fighting over possession of the uninhabited rock island for over 30 years. and now, the island has sunk underwater, thanks to global climate change. thanks, mother earth, for solving that political dilemma. it makes the global climate change phenomenon seem pretty real. i hate to think that one of my favorite cities on the planet is also going to sink--venice. i am in love with italy, and especially in love with venice. the deep mystery and history that characterizes the city is poignant, lonely, beautiful, and compelling all at once. and it's sinking. i encourage everyone to visit venice to experience what will no longer be possible to visit, perhaps in our lifetime. one day, new moore island was there, the next day...it was gone. so why do people not believe in atlantis? will people be questioning venice's existence hundreds of years from now? people just need to remember how to believe in things (please see posts on magic and fairies). also, i get really frustrated when people claim that "global warming" is all a sham because it's been a really cold winter. the correct term is global climate change, which i'm pretty sure this past winter proves is happening. that is a tangent, but i just want people to stop being ignorant and believe that humans are the reason that islands like new moore are sinking. accept it and make the appropriate lifestyle changes, or it will be too late (for us, and for venice).

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