
grading hat

  1. turned off my phone and just woke up when my body wanted to wake up this morning. it was a nice feeling. 
  3. took criticism on my first draft of the paper personally (of course) and FINALLY found bedding that i want. i hope it's still available in the morning...
criticism. i don't take it well. i take everything personally and it always just makes me feel like a disappointment of a person and a bad writer and like there is no hope for me to improve and mainly just like a disappointment. i hate feeling this way. i've gotten better at letting things roll off my back but i'm still not quite there. i can handle insults about my appearance or personality pretty well, but i just hate criticism to my writing. it always affects me negatively. so this draft for the paper i turned in and got some criticism, good and bad, but i always zero in on the bad. i don't know how to just let things go, either. i can't not think about it or get upset or see things positively. it's just not in my nature. i'm eager to please on the academic front and always feel disappointed in myself when i don't. on that note, i should get back to work on this paper. hopefully i can deliver better goods next time.

1 comment:

  1. Not the grading hat??!!! You didn't make an F! But I do know how you feel. Remember that the suggestions (aka criticism) are only about how words are arranged on paper--they're not about you, your mind, or you abilities. Just re-arrange (in a way)...
