
rockin' to the beat

  1. i don't even know what day of the week it is! i get so behind during the summer months. but i guess i better get my mind straight since i'm moving back to college on thursday...eek! lots of organizing to do before then. 
  2. got my arm punched out by the dermatologist today. she took off a mole she was concerned about and sent it to the lab. now i understand why she called it "punched"--that's what my right tricep feels like now. 
  3. had a yummy family dinner and then boyfriend time! we watched the proposal and it was pretty funny (i like sandra bullock and ryan reynolds), but i totally called the last half of the movie's plot. 
so here i am, another night. with nothing interesting to say. i'm sorry! perhaps i should talk about....oh wait. all my ideas have run out! for now...ideas are (dur) always appreciated. i should apologize in advance, also, for the negligence my blog will be subjected to during the next week or so. i'll be preoccupied and busy and most likely not itching to focus on good blogging. but hey, as long as i do it every day, that is good enough for me. trust me, i want to do better than that, and will, but also need to cut myself a mid-year break. but i'll still be blogging! no doubt.

1 comment:

  1. topics to file away: a "best and worst of series" on technology, fashion, politics, education, etc.--not lists, but rather features, aspects, or results of....
