

  1. did absolutely nothing today, haha. woke up, skyped with my boyfriend, and hung around the apartment. 
  2. went to the mall with my roommate, ate at CPK (!), and came back to watch the first football game of the season!
  3. i love three day weekends. they're so much fun! 
i'm such a procrastinator. i need to get better at blogging. the problem is that i wait until it's late at night and then i am just so tired that i want to get it over with. but maybe i'll start blogging better soon. don't give up hope on me! i know that i am also going to do a travel blog while i am abroad in italy next summer. if i get to go! i really hope so. it'd be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. hey..we all have our days. when it doesn't feel like doing Anything. so I totally hear u. still it's great u're good!
