
a child is born

  1. it's christmas eve!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!
  2. got to talk to my boyfriend : ), had a delicious lunch and then went to my grandparents' for christmas part one and then to church! love the christmas eve service; it's always been my favorite!
  3. watched a christmas carol, continuing with tradition, and it was wonderful as always. 
i hope everyone had a great christmas eve and has an even better christmas day! it's my FAVORITE day of the WHOLE year. can't wait! merry christmas to all, and to all a good night! and...god bless us all, everyone. keep it in your heart why we are celebrating this beautiful time of year. remember those less fortunate than you and keep all in your prayers and thoughts. do all you can to help and to spread good cheer. focus on the important things and keep a smile on all day. love and merry christmas eve all around!

1 comment:

  1. La navidad es un recuerdo que el nacimiento de Cristo representa la idea de esperanza y que todos nesecitan vivir una vida mejor para celebrar las oportunidades que Cristo nos ha providido.
